I was dismissed from my previous job... I was getting into work at 6am and didn't actually start until 8am, this is because we moved out of the area and only my partner can drive so he was taking me into work when he had to go in.
I was using the internet for personal use during these 2hours, as stated we could do - use the internet & company computers for personal use outside of working hours.
I had made a webpage on facebook about how i feel about the decline in our country, EG, immigration, knife crime etc. the lady i worked with saw this and took offence by this saying it was racial, she made a complaint against me (sge is black) and it ended up in me being dismissed.
Now I am looking for another job, have had some interviews, I am a very open & honest person and when asked the question "why did you leave your last job" I tell them that it was basically due to misuse of the internet using Facebook.I dont want my possible new employer asking for a ref and finding out I was dismissed. If I lie to them in the interview it wouldnt be a great 1st impression, therefore I have been telling the truth.
Can people please give me advice on what to do.