
I need advise on Ham radios please??

by  |  earlier

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I am looking at getting a Ham radio, and as a beginner I don't want to spend too much money on one, yet I want it to be a pretty good one,

For those of you who have experience with the different Ham radios out there, which one is best, I am looking for a portable or hand held unit and a base unit for my home.

Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks




  1. I bought a ham radio but my mexican friend ate it

  2. Basically it depends on how far you are away from the local ham population and the local repeaters.

    Most new hams start out as Technicians and usually if within a metro area a H/T or a small mobile with outside antenna and 12 amp power supply.

    I suggest talking to local hams to get ideas on the equipment needed in your area to make communications

    for ideas on radios, reading the reviews on I find to be a good idea on the equipment as rated in use.

    To find a local ham and for better ideas on what to get etc. may be to try the ARRL (which is the national organization of ham radio) website at

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