
I need advise with keeping in shape! I'm 15 years old, 8 stone (112 pounds) and 5ft4.. ?

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I know with my current life style sooner or later i'm going to start piling on the pounds.

I do little excercise as i live in the country side with no nearby leasure centres/swimming pools. for them i need to travel in the car for an hour.

The only excercise available to me is running, walking, and excercise at home... any suggestions?

also i want to keep my tummy, bum, legs, upper arms and back toned... but as soon as i get tired or it hurts when i do stretches i give up. I want something that won't make me hurt too much as i have allowed my body to become less and less flexible as i gave up dance lessons a while ago. i can't even touch my toes without bending my knees!

so yeah... maybe some suggestions of tasty but healthy meals, fun exercises and stretches, and just some tips on staying motivated!






  1. You should be able to keep nice and fit by running. If you are not fit start off walking fast, then slow then fast.c This will teach you different speed's and help you get fit. Once you feel like it, you can start jogging. Jog for a little while, if you need to have a break and start jogging again.

    Diet wise, I'd say don't be too harsh. Vegtable's are great food's to eat. You can also take vitamin's to stay healthy. You can eat junk, but not too much of it.

    If you like working out, you can easily do some excercise's with no equipment at home. For leg's you mainly want to run and walk, this will keep them toned enough. For your arm's you can do tricep dip's, this will keep your tricep's toned and bicep curls, this will keep them toned too. Finally, you can do sit up's for your ab's to keep them nice and toned, and strong.

    To stay motivated listen to music as you work out or run.

  2. You are perfect weight, you just need to turn fat into muscle. I would advise exercising arms, legs, and abs.

  3. Make a habit of walking, perhaps not as far as the swimming baths etc if it takes an hour in the car, but take advantage of the scenery, plan a few routes and ramble them. Eat right and it should work itself out.

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