
I need all the help that I can get!!?

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Ok I need good advice. About 6 months ago I had that depo shot. I didn't like the side effects so I decided to get off of it after that one shot. It's been 3 months since I was supposed to get another one. But like this whole 3 months I h ave been having s*x without protection. (i'm trying to get pregnant). This is where you guys come in. I haven't had my period yet. But this month I have been having sharp pains in my lower stomach, Bad headaches, some cramping, brown discharge, i'm always tired, Very emotional, I've been crying lately over nothing and I at times I can't stop it, my b***s have been in alot of pain but not my nipples, and everytime i eat i feel like I need to throw up but I try my hardest to keep it down. For a second I thought that I was pregnant but I took about 3 pregnancy test and they came out negative. I dont know if it's too early or what but I need some advice. I know that you guys arent doctors thats why i said I needed advice.




  1. I am going thru the same thing...monday I am gonna call a dr and get an app and a blood test if you learn anything let me know cause i am so confused at the symptoms. baby dust and lots of luck!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. did you have regular periods after the depo? the only way to know it's if we know you had intercourse when you were ovulating...i'd sugges to test another week for now, if it's still negative and no period, try getting a blood test from a doctor, you can also ask a doctor online for free for an opinion, try

    good luck!

  3. when you are on that shot it takes a long time for your body to get back to normal i should cause i was on it for about 1 1/2 yrs. ive been trying to get pregnant but nonthing so i dont you are but then i could be wrong cause every body is different. just wait it out to see the following period comes or not but i would ask the docter. good luck

  4. Coming off of birth control can throw your cycle out of whack. This makes it very difficult to time when a pregnancy test would be accurate.  So, it is possible that you are pregnant and taking the test too early.  However, it is also possible that your body's natural hormones are kicking in and causing you all sorts of symptoms!

    Either way, since you have not had your period for 3 months it would be a great time to go to the doctor.  They can give you a super accurate blood pregnancy test, and find out why your period hasn't returned yet.  They may put you on medication to get things kick started so you can get pregnant!

    If you want to learn more about how to time s*x to get pregnant ASAP (after your cycle has returned to normal)  there is a web site called Fertility Friend that can help!

  5. Have your periods been normal up until now? If yes then i would set up an appointment with your doctor for a blood test. Good luck and baby dust to you!

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