
I need an Exercise Plan?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone

I want to get buff by next summer (i.e june 09) and my main goals are:




Overall Strength

So can someone make me a plan for exercise like, such and such exercise every so many days,

The equipment that i have is: free weights, barbell, and a weight bench.

Besides that, I'd prefer excercises that don't need any equipment.

I'd really like a comprehenseive plan that will help me achieve my goals by the time I said.






  1. if you don't like weights then you ain't gonna get buff no matter what you do, but i'll give you 2 workouts one with and one without weights they are not personalised so you'll have to e-mail me more specific details andi'll make a personal one.


    squats 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    stationary lunges 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    calf raises 3 sets perform until calves cramp up


    tricep dips between chairs 3 sest until failure with own body weight

    tricep press ups(arms parralel with chest and tight against body) 3 sets until failure with own body weight


    wide grip chin ups 3 sets until failure with own bodyweight( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)

    close grip chin ups 3 sest until failure with own body weight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)


    wide grip press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight

    raised feet press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight


    close grip pull ups 3 sest until failre with onwn bodyweight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your biceps whilst dangling from bar)


    handstand pressups 3 sest until failure with own body weight( if canot do free style rest feet against wallthis is very hard so if unable to do do jacknife press ups instead )


    double crunches 3 sest until abs cramp

    leg raises 3 sest until abs cramp

    plank 3 set suntil failure

    bicylce kicks 3 sest until abs cramp

    weight workout

    day1; quads+calves



    day4; back

    day5; cardio

    day6; delts+triceps

    day7; biceps+abs


    5 min gentle warm up on xtrainer

    2 warm up sets of 20 on front squats

    2 working front squat sets for 8-12 reps

    3 sets leg press 8-12 reps

    4sets quad extension 8-12 reps

    4 sets standing calf raise 8-12 reps

    4 sets sets calf raises 8-12 reps


    4 sets incline dumbell press 8-12 reps

    2 sets incline bench 6 reps

    4sets dumbell bench8-12 reps

    4sets decline dumbell bench 8-12 reps

    3 sets dumbbell flye 12-15 reps

    4 sets reverse curls 8-12 reps

    4 sets wrist curls 8-12 reps

    4 sets reverse wrist curls 8-12 reps

    day 3;

    2 sets warm up swauts 20 reps

    4 sets romanian deadlift 8-12 reps

    3 sets lying leg curl 6-12 reps

    4 sets good mornings 8-12 reps

    4 sets seated leg curl 8-12 reps

    4 sets standing calf raise 8-12 reps

    4 sets sets calf raises 8-12 reps

    day; 4;

    shoulder shrugs

    4 sets dumbell upright row 8-12 reps

    4 sets tbar row 8-12 reps

    4 sets wide grip lat pull downs in front 8-12 reps

    4 sets gironda chins 8-12 reps

    4 sets one arm dumbell rows 8-12 reps

    3 sets cable row 6-12 reps

    2 sets weighted hyperextensions 6 reps


    35 mins 90 rpm minimum on max level on hill setting on staionary bike (this is designed to not only provide great cardio but to add great mass to your legs)

    day 6;

    4 sets military press 8-12 reps

    4 sets lateral raises 8-12 reps

    4 sets rear delt incline bench flye 8-12 reps

    2 sets overhead seated dumbbell press 6-12 reps

    4 sets weighted bench dips 8-12 reps

    4 sets over head dumbbell extensions 8-12 reps

    4 sets dumbbell kickbacks 8-12 reps

    2 sets skull crushers 6 reps

    day 7;

    4 sets barbell curl 8-12 reps

    4 sets preacher curl 8-12 reps

    4 sets drag curl 8-12 reps

    4 sets hammer curls 8-12 reps

    4 sets dcline cable crunch 8-12 reps

    4 sets standing oblique cable crunch 8-12 reps

    4 sets dumbbell hip thrust 8-12 reps

    4 sets weighted plank until failure

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