
I need an Idea for a birthday present, for my nephew who's turning 13?

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my nephews turning 12 and he already has a longboard/skateboard, new iPod, new airsoft gun, and a new wii! I don't know what to get him he's interested in video games, skating, airsofting, and other things! If you have any Ideas, let me know!




  1. Since you mentioned video games and skateboarding, I might recommend any of the Tony Hawk skateboarding games.  I'm not a skater myself but I love Underground.

    EDIT: Actually, I like Jabberwokee's answer better than mine.

  2. get him a Xbox 360 they are awsome

  3. how about tickets to a

    1) baseball or an x-game in your area

    2) gift card (a visa so he spend it anywhere he wants and isn't limited to one store)

    3) camping trip

    4) watch/necklace

    5) bicycle

    6) mopad

    i hope this helped

  4. Rubik's Cube. What's old is new again. If he likes girls, he can learn the cube and hang at the mall. It's a great conversation starter and it sends a message that he has mental skills, and not just skateboard and Nintendo skills. If you've got time and some money, check out eBay. Sometimes you can find a sweet deal on multiple cubes of different dimensions. Original 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5. Plus, he can learn to solve the cubes by accessing YouTube and the load of sites dedicated to the Cube. Peace.

  5. Generally I like to give people presents that are more activities than objects, especially for the people who have everything.  By doing this it makes it much more memorable and something he'll remember in the future, more than just a toy.  You could take him to a baseball game (or whatever his favorite sport is), take him paintballing, hot air balloon ride, bungee jumping, rafting etc...depending on his interests and how adventurous he is.  Something he wouldn't normally do that will make it special.

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