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ok I an wanting to calculate the gross annual salary from child maintenance payments.

The weekly payment is £110. Providing everything else is standard, what would the gross salary of the payee be.

I think the nett salary per week is £950, but am not sure.




  1. This is garbage and doesn't make any sort of sense.

    Please get someone to phrase the question for you.

  2. You cant work this out from the information provided because there are many other variables in the calculation.

    The CSA works out child maintenance by applying one of four rates to the non-resident parent's income. Income is earnings, money from an occupational or personal pension, and tax credits. (so not just salary anyway!)

    The CSA uses the amount of income left after things like income tax, National Insurance and any money paid into a pension scheme have been taken off. This does not apply if the pension is set up to pay off a mortgage, when only 75% of the money paid into the pension scheme is taken away from the non-resident parent's income.

    The four rates we apply to the non-resident parent's income are:

    basic rate (if they have an income of £200 a week or more)

    reduced rate (if they have an income of more than £100 and less than £200 a week)

    flat rate (if they have an income of between £5 and £100 a week)

    nil rate (if they have an income of less than £5 a week).

    They can then adjust the child maintenance based on:

    the number of other children who are living with the non-resident parent, who they or their partner get Child Benefit for (a regular payment made to anyone bringing up children)

    the number of children the non-resident parent needs to pay child maintenance for

    whether the child stays with the non-resident parent at least one night each week.

    For more information about the other factors that can affect maintenance, how the CSA work out child maintenance and for details of the four rates, read How is child maintenance worked out? at

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