
I need an activity for both preschoolers and five year olds that involves a big mouse.?

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We have this wonderful mouse about 4 feet tall. I want to use it for next weeks mouse program but I can't think of anything to do with it! We are already telling The Barking Mouse, The Little Mouse and the Red Ripe Strawberry, and Mouse Count, we are singing 3 Blind Mice, and they are playing Mousetrap. I'm all moused out of ideas! Help!




  1. How about making mouse masks... paper plates decorated (yarn- whiskers,pom pom - nose, popsticle stick) Then give then a tail and play a game with them as the mice... The slowest mouse or the mouse that is the fastest...

    Why dont you play pin the tail on the mouse... or....

    how about you get a pet mouse for the class to keep as a pet adn teach them about it with the model mouse..

    You also can play simon says with it! Your ideas are great!

  2. Hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock.  Throw in learning some numbers, and about clocks, and there you go!

    You could also get informational books about mice, where they live, what they eat, what size they are.  Maybe either show a life size picture of a mouse or show a real one, maybe someone has a pet mouse.  Talk about how the stuffed mouse and real mouse are different, like size.

    Tell how mice look different, some are brown, some are gray, etc, do a file folder game on colors, matching different colored mice.   Ask what color(s) the stuffed mouse are.

    Have children draw a picture of their own pet mouse and how they would take care of it and you have a science activity.  

    Tell them to be as quiet as a mouse and pretend to be mice, and scitter around on the floor.  Pretend they are mice, hide some pretend "cheese" and make a game of find the cheese.  Or hide the big stuffed mouse and have them pretend to be cats, and hunt for the mouse.

  3. If you give a mouse a cookie or if you take a mouse to school are both wonderful stories and they illustrate cause and effect. Also, try mouse paint. I think it's by the author of mouse count. They can do some finger paiting or mixing primary colors to say what colors they make. Good Luck.

  4. Most mouse stories have the mice wearing clothes, so how about dress the mouse up to go with the different stories.

    Does it stand on its own, could you take it outside with hula hoops play ring the mouse.   (ring toss)

    Could the mouse hold something like a basket, play

    Mouse-etball.    (basketball)

    Hold arms up straight, toss beanbag through the field goal. (football)

    Arms and legs spread out, it could be a goalie for soccer.

    The mouse could be dressed up as a policeman, with stop/go sign to play red light green light, or other games and activities. (we had tricycles for kids to ride and he would tell them to start and stop at the "corner")

    Morning mouse could stand at door to welcome children and hold letters home to parents. (butler)

    Snack time/lunch mouse could be a waiter to hold napkins, ect.

    Mouse could hold signs to show the next activity, dress mouse for that activity.

    I did this one year with 3 & 4 year olds with teddy bears, I had a poseable self standing teddy bear that was about 3 1/2 feet tall and could wear kids clothes, shopped at thrift stores to save money. Kids had so much fun dressing up the bear to go with stories and activities he hung out for the rest of the year to play with.

  5. City Mouse and Country Mouse? How about the story of the Mouse and the Lion? Hickory Dickory Dock and make a huge clock for the mouse to "run". That would get some motor skills and number recognition in as well.

  6. What about If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?  Every little kid loves that story!

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