
I need an alternative sport for teens about 14, any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really athletic and can play just about any sport. But I'm bored of the same old sports. I want to do something new and exciting, no soccer, or baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, skateboarding, bmx, karate,surfing, wakeboarding, motocross snowboarding , windsurfing, or go kart racing, or any of the normal kind of stuff. It doesnt even have to be an extreme sport, just something different. And it cant be over $500 to start. And something that can be found in Northern CT and/or southern Mass.




  1. can improve your flexibility too. and it's fun hehe

  2. skateboarding all the way!!!!!!

  3. Skateboard;

    It relieves stress

    It looks cool

    Not too expensive

    Is incredibly fun

    Needs a lot of skill to do (which you will learn)

    Is a really cool sport as well

  4. Downhill longboard racing

  5. You're really athletic, but "bored" of the "same old sports"?  That's not athletic at all. That's arrogant.

    You list sports such as soccer, baseball, football, lacrosse, and karate.   All are very physically demanding sports. If you are bored of these sports, then you must be in elite physical shape.  Furthermore, if you are in elite shape, you'd know that the human body releases endorphins, and that healthy, active people just aren't negative, complacent, or apathetic towards life.

    It sounds to me as if you are not really "bored". It sounds to me that you are "inactive".


    Do something that will benefit your life, even if it's "boring" or "unexciting". Get your body healthy, and then maybe your attitude will be healthier, too.

    ~Train well; Live well.

  6. Try Gymnastics, it's really fun and you can do some crazy stuff. It might be too much money though.. So you could take classes or try Free running and Parkour.

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