
I need an answer fast, did space and time exist before the big bang?

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This guy says space & time always existed; before big bang.

I thought space and time was created by the big bang?




  1. We don't know what, if anything, was before the Big Bang.  Perhaps the Big Bang was the beginning.  There are a bunch of theories but few experiments we can try to verify them.

  2. The accepted theory is nothing existed before the Big Bang.  Even Light.  In fact the same therory says, the Universe expanded faster than the speed of light.  My thought, and it's only a conjecture, is the Previous Universe sank into the finite particle that sponsored the Big Bang.  

    Having said that wouldn't you love to have a front row seat when it happened?

  3. No. Space and time as we understand it now, came into existance at the big bang.

    There are some people toying with the idea that the big bang never happened but they are nowhere.

  4. We don't know. The Big Bang might have been the genesis of everything or it might be a bottleneck in the time-line of infinity, we just don't know.

    We may never know either. If I took the universe as it is now, crushed it, ripped it apart, set it on fire, and then made something new out of it would you be able to tell what it was like before? That is what I mean by bottleneck. The Big Bang theory states that the universe was an evenly distributed haze of mass and energy of near infinite density. No one knows how this super dense, hot, and very uniform cloud came about as matter tends to become disorganized over time, which has lead some to believe that time started then so there had been no time to disorganize the universe until after the Big Bang.

  5. hm... GOOD QUESTION.

    its like asking how could time not exist.

    i think there was always 'something' there, so ya, i think time has always been here in some form.

  6. No, time as we take it begins from after the BB.

    There may have been something before that, but we can't tell.

  7. the big bang is not necessarily what happened.... and remember, our only understanding of time is completely dependent upon the properties of light. good luck.

  8. no. first off the universe was not created in a big bang. theres no actual proof.. in genesis 1:1 it talks about how god created the heavens and the earth. Everything did not come into existence by an explosion, try this out .

    if in 5000 yrs when technology advanced we exploded into billions of tons of hydrogen and helium  out above the moon. what would happen nothing. same thing. whether not you believe in yhwh(god, jhvh) you have to acknowledge the fact nothing we know of was made of nothing. in my opinion the universe is expanding  because  of matter being created n recycled. so there wasnt anything was created before creation itself

  9. There was no "big bang".  Only God and 7 days.

  10. Nothing existed before the big bang.

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