
I need an answer now! Emergency!!!! I'm scared!?

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Hi. I just turned 14 a few days ago. I'm getting braces on in two weeks. I'm female, tall and skinny. My ortho said that TMJ Most the time fits that description, he thought It had a possibility of develiping. I just took a test on line and I 3 out of like 12 things I answered yes. When I open my mouth I hear a grinding sound. I have NO pain what so ever. Lastnight I was crunching ice ( laying down in bed on my side) and I heard my jaw pop. Once again I had no pain. That's the first time It's ever happened to me! I am freaking out right now! I need to no what are the chances I have TMJ, and how bad does it hurt. I'm really scared! Please help me!

I kinda hear a light click when I open my mouth wide too!




  1. Yes, you may have TMJ...your jaws are misaligned right now too...there are alternative treatments to help treat TMJ such as acupuncture (it's painless)...or massage treatments to put your jaw back into place.

    Sometimes it can happen if you've had a lot of mouth work done at the dentist...and if you're under a lot of stress, you could be clenching your jaws a lot as well.

    Don't worry about the didn't hurt yourself...but it is annoying.

  2. Ok, settle down. Many, many, many people have jaws that pop or crack with no pain, including myself. Braces should help correct your bite, if it is off, which is the first step to helping with this. Next, wearing a nightguard to bed. The best is to have one made at your dentist, after the braces are finished, unless your orthodontist makes you a clear plastic retainer which can be worn instead. This helps prevent grinding and clenching during sleep from wearing on your jaw joint. Lastly, don't crunch ice or chew lots of gums or candies that make your jaw grind and pop. Be sure you get plenty of calcium by taking a vitamin and drinking milk which will help keep the joint strong.

  3. hey there sorry i cant answer you question, but maybe if you re ask the question with something like Do I have TMJ in the title you may get more answers.  just a thought.  Hope you find out that you do not have TMJ

  4. Calm down you will be fine! The TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint - TMJ) is an anatomical structure. You can have disorders of the TMJ, which are usually termed TMD, temporomandibular disorders. Sometimes the cartilage in the joint gets displaced and you can learn exercises to get it back into the proper position. I would always take the conservative approach to treatment. Start by stress reduction and movement. Ask your orthodontist or dentist. Perhaps they work with a TMJ specialist in your area. Everyone has two TMJ's. Sometimes people end up just living with the occasional popping and grinding. Good luck - it sounds like you are being taken care of.  

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