
I need an answer to why we "should" build on endangered species land. I already have one on why we shouldnt.

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I need to know the benefits of why we should build anything on endangered species land. I have to present both sides of the topic, so i already have a reason why its bad. All i need is why we should build on the land.




  1. The only example I can think of to build is for something like the Peregrine Falcon.  High places keep this falcons nests safe from predators.  It is working remarkably well in Toronto, where falcons are living on rooftops, away from all predators, so their young survive, and the species survival is very possible. Otherwise building on endangered species land is never a good option. Thats why they are endangered in the first place, habitat loss.

  2. Sorry, I can't help you. I don't think we should. I believe the only reason anyone wants to build on endangered land is to get richer.

  3. there could be oil on the land, like in Alaska

    Who cares if we kill a stupid animal, i'd rather be able to drive my car

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