
I need an attention grabber for a informative speech on global warming?

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I have to make a presentation of an informative speech on the causes, effects and measures to control global warming




  1. How about "It's all a big lie from the far left..."  Just  to let you know  im not a republican.  I dont listen to these political parties to tell what to think.

  2. What kind of attention grabber? A compelling sentence or are you looking for graphics?

  3. Global warming....without global warming, the great Catherdral Churches in the Europeans countries could never have been built.  How fortunate we are to be in this current era of global warming, since the alternative is global cooling.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  4. When the phrase "global warming" is typed into the search engine YAHOO there are 187 000 000 hits. Global warming is a growing issue that needs to be adressed

  5. How about 'Al Gore is a Power Hungry Liberal with a Financial Incentive to Lie to us'?

  6. That in 50 years, if we keep this up, San Francisco will be under water due to Greenland and the Artic and Antartic melting.

  7. How about..... "Gore Lied"!!

  8. "You Can Stop Holding Your Breath, Man Doesn't Cause Global Warming"

    "The End of Global Warming as You Know It!"

    "The End is Near....For Global Warming."

    "The History of Religious Human Sacrifice and How it Relates to Global Warming."

    "A Short Lesson in Climate History Longer than 150 Years"

    "Who Profits From Global Warming?"

    "Would You Be Disappointed if the Sun Causes Global Warming?"

  9. Paraphrase the IPCC report: Billions of people face shortages of food and water and increased risk of flooding due to global warming. [1]

    Key findings of the IPCC, WGII report include:

    • 75-250 million people across Africa could face water shortages by 2020.

    • Crop yields could increase by 20% in East and Southeast Asia, but decrease by up to 30% in Central and South Asia.

    • Agriculture fed by rainfall could drop by 50% in some African countries by 2020.

    • 20-30% of all plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction if temperatures rise between 1.5-2.5C.

    • Glaciers and snow cover expected to decline, reducing water availability in countries supplied by melt water.

    Follow up with other quotes and information, such as “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level” and

    “The understanding of anthropogenic warming and cooling influences on climate has improved since the [Third Assessment Report, 2001], leading to very high confidence (greater then 90% likelihood)  that the global average net effect of human activities since 1750 has been one of warming.”[2]

    Finish up with a statement that “Eliminating fossil fuels is friggin' cheap.”[3] According to Scientific American, we can completely phase out fossil fuels over the course of twenty years for a cost of around a third of current military spending.

  10. Open up with, "BOOOM! There goes the world's last polar bear!"

    Seriously, though. You could say something like, "Imagine a world without....." Then list all the things that will dissapear if we don't stop Global Warming. It instantly causes people to think.

  11. How about the truth.

    The interments and station locations that are used globally to document environmental conditions are so out of date and very poorly located that there is no way of gathering any accurate information to prove global warming.

  12. How about "A one degree Celcius rise in the temperature of the world's oceans is equivalent to the energy of 1.358 BILLION 1 MegaTon atom bombs.  Projections are for the temperature to rise as much as 5 deg C in the next 50-100 years.  That will be the equivalent energy to one atom bomb for every man, woman and child alive today!"

  13. Soon many politicians, scientists, and common folk will be scrambling to salvage their careers and self respect now that many credible sources are indicating that man- made global warming is a complete farce.

  14. The emperor's new clothes.

    I think that Benjamin is right, in 20 years there will be shortages of food and water in ....... , wait there is now, the sad part is the only famines are man made by corrupt governments.

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