
I need an evil site about wiccas i can learn from

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i need an evil site or a fun site. I perfer evil with free psychic wiccans stuff like that were i can learn to become one.




  1. evil wicca  does not exist......oxymoron

  2. Wiccans are not evil. That is a common misconception. I believe it was the Catholic Church (or Christian) that spread around a rumor that Wiccans worked with dark forces, and raised demons and the like, because they did not condon magic and in fact were disinclined to even acknowledge it.

    The Wiccan Rede:

    "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"

    In other words, as long as what you are doing does not hurt anyone, then you can do it.

    Wiccans also believe in the threefold law.

    Any good energy you send out will come back to you threefold.

    Any BAD energy you send out will come back to you threefold.

    Wiccans do not work with demons or any such. They work with the natural energy of the world. Energy manipulation, gathering it and sending it out towards whatever your goal may be.

    Any "evil" site you find will not be a true Wiccan site, and any "fun" site you find, if you mean what I think you mean, will just be a mockery of Wiccans.

    Also, you do not need to be a psychic to be a Wiccan, and you do not need to be a Wiccan to be a psychic.

    Wicca is not just a belief, it is a religion. Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess, and they do celebrate their religion and worship. You cannot do a ritual without giving thanks to your God and Goddess in some way, and you can't do a ritual whenever you feel like it. They are very complex and they need to be done at certain times.

    Since your TRUE desire here is to become a psychic, all I can tell you is that you will most likely not be able to become this. It is a gift that some are born with, and others develope later in life. The most you can do is raise your spiritual perceptions and ability to work with energy, and slowly attempt to unlock the part of your mind that is the part of you that could make being pychic possible, or telepathy, etc. Most people have the ability to become these things. They lay dormant in our minds. But we do not use all of our brain, and most of us cannot start using the part that we don't use.

    Good luck, but don't get your hopes up. You probably won't become a psychic even if you work at it like crazy your whole life.

  3. I don't know if you meant to actually say evil, or if you are simply looking for a site that will lead you to free psychics.

    But if you need help you should re post your question without the 'evil' in it and someone may be able to tell you where to get a free reading.

    I do tarot reading on my yahoo group, but I haven't done them in a while.

  4. Whoa! Back up! Wiccans are not evil. You have the wrong faith if your trying to be "Evil". Paganism couldn't be more opposite. If you are interested in Wicca, I strongly suggest getting any horrible preconceived  notions out of your head and check out these sites:   (web page is dull looking but has some good information on what wicca is)   (a no nonsense website, I strongly suggest looking deeper into the site too) ( *Definitely look at this!!)

  5. OMG!!! Are you serious?? Please, you're making a fool of yourself, go play with your barbies and leave us EXPERIENCED witches to our tasks.

  6. Try the below website:

    They got 3 free witchcraft spells for you free!

  7. you could start with . Just don't stay there long you don't want to become someone who hangs out all day on ebullition boards.

  8. I agree with the previous answers posted.  You should really be careful as how you word your questions and what you actually say, as offending others with this type of question is tasteless and lacking intelligence to say the least.

    Karma comes into play when wanting to do something "evil" and when you mention "free psychic wiccans", you don't really understand anything of what you're asking.

    You're treading in water that is extremely dangerous.

    Psychic, Wiccan and evil never belong in the same sentence.  Help all, harm none.

    Do some research on the topics and you'll find that the first two have nothing to do with the third.

  9. No you don't. Leave the Wicca alone. Your evil they are not.

  10. I believe you really need to look at your definitions AND who you offend in the phrasing of this question.

    IF you truly wish to find sites that 'teach' how evil Wiccans are, I'd suggest looking at Fundy Xian sites.

    IF you truly wish to learn about Wicca, I suggest you look at just how many ways your question was in error (to say the least).


  11. wicca+evil= N O T   H A P P E N I N G ! ! ! ! ! !

  12. EVIL you say?  Wiccans are far from evil. We live by a harm none rule which certainly isn't evil.

  13. An evil wiccan is not a true wiccan. "AN you harm none do as you will" that's our motto. Also, study, not all wiccans a psychic.  

  14. evil and wicca should never be put in the same sentance. it is against the religion of wicca. the wicca religion teaches that you never do anything evil or it will come back to you 10 times. so do what you will but i doubt you will find a evil site about wicca. i will give you a free psychic chat site. i don't know if they do readings but they love to help.

  15. oh go ahead and study "evil" wicca.  Then when some unspeakable horror from an un-named dimension drags you screaming through a knothole to a hideous eternity....dont blame us.

          People studying the old faith for the wrong reasons tend to be a self cleaning gene pool.   Evil isnt fun. it's just evil.



    Main articles: Wiccan morality and Homosexuality and Wicca

    Wiccan morality is largely based on the Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will, which is usually interpreted as a declaration of the freedom to act, along with the necessity of taking responsibility for what follows from one's actions and minimising harm to oneself and others.[17] Another common element of Wiccan morality is the Law of Threefold Return which holds that whatever benevolent or malevolent actions a person performs will return to that person with triple force.[18]

    Many Wiccans also seek to cultivate a set of eight virtues mentioned in Doreen Valiente's Charge of the Goddess,[19] these being mirth, reverence, honour, humility, strength, beauty, power and compassion. In Valiente's poem, they are ordered in pairs of complementary opposites, reflecting a dualism that is common throughout Wiccan philosophy. Some lineaged Wiccans also observe a set of 161 Wiccan Laws, commonly called the Craft Laws or Ardanes. Valiente, one of Gardner's original high priestesses, argued that these rules were most likely invented by Gardner himself in mock-archaic language as the by-product of inner conflict within his Bricket Wood coven.[20][21]

    Although Gardner initially demonstrated an aversion to homosexuality, claiming that it brought down "the curse of the goddess",[22] it is now accepted in many traditions of Wicca.

    A handfasting ceremony at Avebury in England, which occurred during Beltane of 2005.

    [edit] Ritual practices

    Wicca (IPA: /ˈwɪkə/) is a pagan, nature-based religion popularised in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant, who at the time called it Witchcraft and its adherents "the Wica".[1] He said that the religion, of which he was an initiate, was a modern survival of an old witchcraft mystery religion which had existed in secret for hundreds of years, originating in the pre-Christian paganism of Europe.[1] The veracity of Gardner's statements cannot be independently proven, however, and it is possible that Wiccan theology began to be compiled no earlier than the 1920s.[2]

    Various Wiccan lineages or 'traditions' have since branched out of that popularised by Gardner, which came to be called Gardnerian Wicca. Each lineage has distinctive rituals, oral traditions and liturgy, and most remain secretive and require that members be initiated. Other traditions have also formed independently of Gardnerian lineage, including a growing movement of Eclectic Wiccans who do not believe that any doctrine or traditional initiation is necessary in order to practice Wicca.[3]

    The term 'Wicca' has somewhat different usage. Traditionally 'Wicca' referred only to initiatory witchcraft in the lineage of Gerald Gardner and the New Forest coven (e.g. Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca), sometimes referred to as British Traditional Wicca in North America. More recently the term 'Wicca' has become more inclusive and encompasses a number of traditions inspired by but independent of that lineage.[4]

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