
I need an example of a group of cell working together.?

by Guest56876  |  earlier

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i need a example of a groups of cells working together give deltails and any other information.




  1. Muscles, organs, tendons, bone. These are all examples of cells working together (similar cells group together to form various body tissue to preform a specific function).  

  2. Are you referring to Tissues or perhaps organs? The human heart or liver is a good example of cells working together. Or even a better example is the whole human body in which all of the billions of cells take part in homeostasis to work for the collective good of the organism. The liver cells filter toxic substances from the blood (plasma) while the heart cells form strong muscles in order to pump Blood (which the hemoglobin molecule in each red cell binds with  oxygen particles or CO2 molecules) better yet get an anatomy and physiology book. The details I would have to go into would take all day.

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