
I need an excuse to miss a day of work?

by  |  earlier

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I just need to take one day off and I was actually really sick last week so I don't want to use being sick as an excuse again... Can anyone help me?




  1. Use your partner/child/parent/sibling as an excuse; they've been taken ill.

    Or, the day before you need to take off, walk around coughing, sweating, grimacing, etc. They may send you home, or they'll at least believe you're ill again.

  2. Just be honest with your employer and ask for a personal day off.

    Thanks for asking.

  3. Tell them you have a Doctors appointment!

  4. food poisoning..

  5. Heidi has given you the best answer ...

    don't jerk around with your employers... If you are open and honest and request a day off for personal matters, they will appreciate it a lot more than you making up B.S

    PLUS if you are a good employee, and your boss appreciates you .. He shouldn't mind if you request time off .. without pay.

  6. Dude, if your real reason isn't enough to get you out of work, you shouldn't try to make one up.  Lying to your boss is a very bad idea.

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