My partner and I are owed several thousand pounds by our landlord company in advance rent and bond. We have tried talking and negotiating and are also trying to get back what we are owed through a solicitor. But we are desperate to get our money back quickly and it is making life extremely hard for us financially. It's a long story and has become a bit of a David and Goliath situation with my partner and I determined not to be bullied. I would be so very, very grateful if a genuine wiccan practitioner could help us by performing a spell which will see this company change their minds and return our money fairly quickly? I have no wish to harm the people involved or bring ill-will upon them. I simply need to get the money owed back as soon as possible. If anyone can help with this, I would be happy to pass on the goodwill to others in some way in return. Many, many thanks to anyone who can help. x