
I need an experiment to produce my own electricity. can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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batteries are not allowed..




  1. First, prepare at least 2 batteries, and 1 light bulb with a wire connected to it.


    1) Get the 2 batteries then connect the wires connected to the light bulb to the circle platform found over the battery.

    2) Tape to avoid fragility.

    3) Test.

  2. Well this is easy, I'll give you two:

    Method 1:

    Lemon battery, instead of me explaining, just go here:

    Or little wind power:

    Get one of those small little battery powered fans. Then instead of coupling it to a battery, connect it to a small little light. When you blow on the fan, it will make the light shine, (probably faintly). This is called a turbine, the opposite of a DC motor

  3. Here are links to two cool devices

    Basically when you move a magnet in front of a conductor like copper wire, you move electrons to make electricity. So if you make some sort of wheel with magnets on it the edge and spin that very close to a coil of copper wire, you will see an electric current  come from the wire.

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