
I need an herb or some sort of remedy to relax me, I have to get a hydrotherapy colonic, help?

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I am really tense and nervous about this procedure, i need something to make me feel relaxed and calm, otherwise I know I will chicken out !!




  1. The most relaxing herb is... "herb." But if you don't want to go that route, there's the usual chamomile, valerian, hops... maybe L tryptophan or melatonin. Or both.

    If you take the "turkey dinner" pills, it works best on an empty stomach. Nothing to absorb the soporific chemicals.

    Supposedly you can get the same effect from certain foods, such as warm milk, but the amount of L trypophan is so minute you would have to drink over 30 glasses of milk to do the job.

  2. Homeopathic Arg Nit 30c- take one before the procedure.

    Or try bach rescue remedy beforehand.

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