
I need an interior decorator to choose me a color the walls in my office after i install dark pergo floors.?

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The layour is 1000 SQ FT, windows throughout, all dark pergo floors, potlights and drywalled cieling, also which i need a color for. The mouldings around the windows are white..But i can paint any color.

Any ideas..Its like a real estate development office. Thanks!




  1. What colour are the furnishings..desks, cabinets etc.  When you say "dark" floors are they oak or mahogany or what?  This all has a bearing,  As an Interior Decorator, it is difficult to advise without all the information but I will try to offer a few suggestions.  Also, what is the business being carried on in the office?  Is it primarily for the staff or will customers be coming into the area as well? Reply to

  2. I would go with a medium shade of gray blue for the walls with white trim and a white ceiling. It is a traditional choice that will project an image of calmness and trustworthiness to your clients.

    Whether your clientele is primarily commercial or residential, you can use a large area rug in a traditional oriental pattern (traditional luxury) or a more modern contemporary style (cutting edge modern bldgs.) depending on the properties you market. At least one framed piece of art and a couple of distinctive accessories to coordinate with the traditional or modern theme will make the office complete.

    If the white trim is a cold stark white now, I would repaint it in a slightly warmer white as I would the ceiling. Not cream at all, but not hospital white either. Good luck!!  

  3. I would have to ask you what type of furniture are you putting in?  Dark, or light wood, modern metal, etc.  If you can clarify that we can put together a color scheme.

    Check me out at for more decorating ideas.

  4. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

    I think "majestic purple" (# 6545) might be a great color choice.

    You can also take a photo of your house & upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:

    You can get color suggestions & for $5 they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.

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