
I need an opinion over my relationship?

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ok i have been married for 6 months now but ever since i had my baby wich was 3 weeks now i have been feeling strange over my husband. I had a boyfriend in the past and my crush was big... and for some reason i still think about him and get like sorta mad when i find out he has a girlfriend.. i mean i have not seen him in a year niether talked but im tempted to see him at least on myspace... as for my husband i really dont want to be around him and i get upset for the dumbests things with him. is it that i still feel something for the other or can it be the depression im suppose to have after pregnancy?




  1. 1) you never got over your ex

    2) you are jealous of the woman your ex is with

    3) you want to have s*x with your ex

    4) you shouldn't have got married

    5) the problems with your husband won't be solely because of the baby

    6) you probably resented your husband before getting married

    7) you should probably divorce!!!

  2. yes i felt like that with both my kids was really mean to my boyfriend give it a couple of months and tell him you sorry its just post partum depression hon as far as the ex thats kinda different but i think we all think about our ex from time to time if you have a goood man dont run him away talk to him because some men arent even there for their kids

  3. pregnancy, marriage, childbirth are all stressful to go through, especially in such a short period of time.  all of these life events are supposed to bring us happiness, but they can be stressful.

    sometimes stress makes us think about the old, easier days in our lives... but the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

    you might be getting upset with your husband over what you say are dumb things because of hormones... we go through a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth.  it's very common.  

    if you are concerned about your mood, and if things don't start to change over the next few weeks, it might be a good idea to talk with your doctor.

    hon, a good marriage doesn't just happen -- we have to accept each other at face value and realize that we make our own happiness... while every single day isn't a bed of roses, i'm sure you can make most of them positive.

    give yourself some time.  and if it were me, i'd avoid the ex boyfriend...  on my space or in person.  you have a famliy now, and maybe it would be best for you to give it a little time and work on your marriage.  

    i sure hope things work out for you.  take care

  4. There's a name for everything these days, right?

    For YOU postpartum depression = immature chick who shouldn't be getting pregnant who still wants her old BF & is pissed at his new GF.  Freaking lame.  Are you serious?  Don't blame your stupidity & lack of reason on hormones.  Go play on myspace some more.  That's where life REALLY happens.

  5. Please talk you your OB. You are possibly having post-partum depression symptoms. Don't look up your X, focus on your family, and please, please call your doctor. Good luck and God bless.

  6. talk to your doctor,  

  7. Sounds like you should see a doctor Chicky...

    Don't do anything you may regret

  8. You're married.  Forget the ex boyfriend.  You need to concentrate on your new baby, and yes, your hormones are all over the place.  You have a child to take care of now, and that child comes first.  You took vows with your husband, how dare you even think of an ex boyfriend?  Time to grow up, you're a married woman now with a baby so start acting like it.  Ask your pediatrician about post-partum depression, and get some sort of counseling for you and your husband.  Get with it, you need to pull yourself together for the sake of your child.  

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