
I need answers, please only serious ones ,thank you ?

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i am 21 and i know i need help seriouly so you dont have to tell me that ....last night i tryed takin my life by takeing half a bottle of nyquil but it was unseccefull this past saturday i took 8 benadryl and 2 week ago i took 24 tylenal pm and nothing has been work ...... i need answers what should i do




  1. Whomever you trust the most, go to them and tell them your story.

    Or go seek professional help from a psychologist.

  2. i have lost a friend to suicide and i would do anything to have her back and no matter how much you feel that you are hurting you have to realize that there are other people that care about you and love you so much even if you think its not true you make an impact on everyone around you and the pain that you will spread to them if you make that decision is much more than the pain that you feel yourself. you have even made an impact on my life now and i am just a stranger to you but i assure you if a stranger can shed a tear for you than there would be more tears than stars in the sky from the ones that know you.

  3. stop think about what your doing whatever has happen to you in your life  are if you are expericeing alot of bad things its not worth takeing your on life are hurting yourself and you need to talk to someone  who you know you can trust and get yourself somep erfessional help and see adoctor because you maybe going throw alot and don't know how to handle it so please don't do anything like that if you feel like thats the only way out and solve your problems its not there are other ways like see a canserlor and talk to a  you can aldo read the bibale and go to chuch and talk to your pastor and pray its always good to pray in times like this and when you have noth elso to do are anythclose friend whos been in your shoes and can help you throw your giffical times and can show you how to make it and also talk to you parents about this because they need to know whats going on so they can help you and get you some help are you can always go to your pastor at chruch and pray its always good to pray and ask god to give you stright to make it throw your tough timesand you can alway to theropy  they can you alot and see how they can help are go to dr phil  do research read about these situasions and how you can seek help and get throw what your going throw and you have so muchgoing for yourslf you don't wenna do something like that to yourself you have so much to live for don't throw it all away cause of what your going  throw lots of people have made that matake bcause they never got help you don;t went that go and get some help it matter and there are alot of thing you cand be thankful for and live for think about and youll see what i mean and what iam sayin your life is worth livein don;t give up so easy keep going you can make it just trust in god and get some help youll be ok and feel much better theirs always other things in life will hep you and keep you motavated and you know that your friends and famliy love you and care now why would you went to put them throw all that pain and sadness you don;t went them to have to go throught that you love them to much and yourself you just need to rethink this and  get yourself some help professnally  

  4. You need to get some help. I cannot sit here and tell you every way that you can kill yourself, because I am sure you know that a gun, a knife, and many other things can do wonders. If you were really that interested in leaving you would be gone by now. Alot of people try medicine because they will not feel anything and go peacefully. But again, like I said, if you were really ready to go there are other ways. You need to talk to a parent or a professional and get some help. You are letting all of your loved ones go and you will be missing out on so much. I am sure your parents would never want to see you go and know that you are a vital part of there life! Think twice about this. Go talk to someone even if it is just someone on the computer because you need a friend. You can email me anytime you would like  

  5. What you should do is take yourself to the nearest emergency room and tell the person on duty you are suicidal and have tried to take your life 3 times. Emergency rooms cannot turn you away for lack of money or insurance.

    They will have the psychiatrist/psychologist on duty examine you, and if they think you are a danger to yourself or others, they will let you voluntarily admit yourself to the psych ward. If you enter voluntarily, you have the right to leave in 72 hours unless they get a court order to keep you. If you refuse to enter voluntarily, they will get a court order and Lord only knows when you'll get out. ONLY if you are a danger to your self or others.

    If you're not in danger, they will schedule you an appointment with a mental health specialist for treatment. They will diagnose and treat you, which is what they would do in the hospital.

    So, go to the emergency room The next try might be successful, and we would miss you!

  6. Please go to the doctor Sweety. You need help because it seems you cannot help yourself. Suicide is not the answer. Respect, love and patience is what you need. Maybe you also need rest and relaxation too.

  7. You obviously need to find light at the end of the tunnel – to see that there is something better ahead of you.  

    Trouble being, you sound as if you are not able to find that light on your own, not able to see past your pain.

    This is such a boring answer, but it really is the truth.  You need to talk to someone – a counselor, or psychologist – or if you’re not up to that at least call:

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

    The people there do care and have great knowledge and understanding.

    Take care of yourself- You don’t know what wonderful things life may have in store for you if you don’t stick around.

  8. Go to your nearest Emergency Room and tell them what you just told us. Do not wait to get an appointment with a Dr. GO NOW!

  9. You said it, you know you need help.  So get it

  10. yeah maybe it is just not your time to go! if you are religious just look to God for  help he will help guide you

    but on the other hand really there is no reason to be taking your life. if you need help ok talk with a consular  

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