
I need any advice that i could give a friend?

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I am asking this for a friend of my husband. She was recently raped on the job. She is not dealing well with it and her husband is making it worse. Divorce is not an option. Counseling isn't either (been through that and both have said they won't do it again). Any advice would be helpful.




  1. Has it been reported?

    Because it was at work is there still a problem it would happen again [does the dog still work there?]

    Does the company know of the legal issues for not reporting a crime?

    Time to seek justice.

  2. Have her contact the women's shelter in her area.  Most major cities have one and they have trained professionals who can help her and her husband, if they would be willing to accept it.  Most shelters don't charge for their services since they are run by non-profit organizations.  If they don't want to go that route, have them contact a local Bible believing, evangelical church and schedule an appointment with the pastor.  Again the sessions will be free and kept confidential.  The pastor will have an open mind and be able to give advice on how to deal with it.  In the mean time, she should try to change jobs so she is away from where it happened with all the reminders it would give to her.

  3. Confront your attacker.  

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