
I need anyone i can to answer this?

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ok i have a girlfriend named ashley and her best friend is named darien and she moved. so just read this and ask your self would u lie to make a person feel good? would u tihkn i like darien?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:23 PM): how r u?

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:24 PM): doing good. u sis

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:24 PM): i am ok i guess

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:24 PM): u guess?

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:24 PM): wats wrong?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:24 PM): nothing i want to come back to delaware

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:25 PM): i kno

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:25 PM): it would be awesome if u came back

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:25 PM): yeah i no and no one is gonna like me

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:26 PM): why u are awesomeness

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:26 PM): i am ugly tho

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:26 PM): they will like u

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:26 PM): no i mean a cute boy

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:26 PM): like u

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): o thanks. to me u are gorgus. i really think that but still come on uu can get any guy u want

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): no i cant

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): ashley is the one who got me looking like this

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): got u into the punk/emo

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): yeah

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:27 PM): u never wanted to be like tat?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:28 PM): her and megan and taylor and the asains

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:28 PM): i was a prep a long time ago

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:28 PM): u regret beinga punk/emo is what your trying to say right?

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:29 PM): dont worry i wont tell ash about this convo

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:29 PM): i kno u were a prep

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:29 PM): but still u are awesome!

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:30 PM): no i love b n like this and u say u suposely like her she is my best friend and i wld nvr hurt her

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:30 PM): and i no u like me

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:30 PM): i dont like u more then a friend. u are just a sister to me nothing more. i love ashley to death

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): yeah ok i was jk ny ways lol

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): lol

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): i still wont hurt her i swear

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): i kno u 2 are sisters for life though

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): but i did like u and she new that

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): u wont ever split from eachother

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:31 PM): u did?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:32 PM): yeah a lil

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:32 PM): i tld ash that and she said cool u can hav him

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:32 PM): i said no i am in luv w daneil

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:32 PM): yea u just need to follow what u think isright. daniel is awesome 2 but he is always stuck up doms *** though

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): i no and that is wat i hate lol

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): o wel

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): i got him wen i come back

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): u are coming back!

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): maybe

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): idk

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): like a low chance tho

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): SAWEET!!!!

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:33 PM): aww

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): yeah maybe

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): nvrm

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): but yeah

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): hay keep the hopes up. i want u to move back.daniel wants u to move back. most important is ashley wants u back

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): daniel doesnt even no i exsist

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:34 PM): he hates me now

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:35 PM): he always talks about u when ever i sleep over

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:35 PM): cause of wat me and dom were fight n bout

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:35 PM): what were u fighting about sis?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:35 PM): liek daniel

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:35 PM): o

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:36 PM): yeah

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:36 PM): u like daniel while he is going out with someone else. its what u have for him. u cant change that

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:36 PM): she needs to accept it

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:36 PM): yeah i guess

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:36 PM): do u still like daniel or lost it?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:37 PM): i like someone else i just hope ashley dont gt mad

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:37 PM): she wont get mad. she will understand. besides if she starts toget mad at u i will help defend u

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:37 PM): y i thought u loved her

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:37 PM): i kno i love her. but if someone loves someone else every1 has to accept it.

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): u are my sister andim going to help fight for u

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): even though ashley is my love i will still fight for her also

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): but mostly your side

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): yeah well if u love some one u will defend them not ur sister

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): y

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:38 PM): i thought u love her i guess u dont love her as much as u say do

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:39 PM): i do love her. its just the fact of i can convince her that u do love someone.

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:39 PM): its not that its someone she loves

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:39 PM): that i like

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:39 PM): i kno.

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): how long u and the guy been going out

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): idk

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): we broke up

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): what!? when did this happen?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): like now

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): OMG are u ok?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): no

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): u didnt do anything to your self did u?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:40 PM): idk

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): please dont.

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): idk

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): i think i did

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): and idc i want to go back to del

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): wat u mean by think?\

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): i hate living here

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): it sucks

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): i did

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): ok

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): i cut long road

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): ok

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): i am dumb

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): but idx

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:41 PM): idc

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:42 PM): WAT!!! DARIEN U ARE NOT DUMB!!!U ARE A AWESOME PERSON U CAN DO BETTER!

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:42 PM): i use to cut my self. i have scares on my wrist and upper legs and i cant look at them without crying i dont want that to happen to u

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): well o well i bav been this way for a while

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): i am high

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): riight now

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): too

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): i hate my life

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): DARIEN DONT SAY THAT!

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): y

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): i do

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): i am not gonna

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): lie

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:43 PM): no one likes me i hav no friends down here

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): why does every1 hate u?

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): no u dont get it nvrm

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): hay i will just say it now

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): u remember daniel taimongolo i told u about

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): yeah'

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:44 PM): he is moving to NC so im visiting down there every summer and i can come visit u

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:45 PM): um ok......

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:45 PM): i can bring ash wit hme

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:45 PM): ok.....

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:45 PM): u wil get friends. u are the hyper little women who always jokes around. lots of people like that

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:46 PM): yeah

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:46 PM): u just need to go to your type of people to hang with and just introduce your self so u can get friends.

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:46 PM): yeha

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:46 PM): yeha

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:47 PM): whats one thing u want that i or ash can do

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:47 PM): idk

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:48 PM): please i hate to see u like this. i want u to be the happy OMG THERE IS A SQUARIAL happy

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:48 PM): y

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:49 PM): because your all like i hate life and your cutting your self your saying every 1 hates u. i dont like that. i like the darien thats all hyper making jokes always hanging out with ashley... thats the darien i like

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): so u like me??

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): just as a friend

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): o

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): just saying that darien thats allhyper thatsthe darien i like to see

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): not the way u are now

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): o

darienblondi1223456: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): i g2g bye

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:50 PM): why?

jbtheproblemchild: (08/18/2008 04:51 PM): dont go yet ok?




  1. sorry i got bored reading this long ?

  2. this didn't make complete sense, and I don't really get who is who, but it seems that darienblondi needs a friend or two, and fast, the other person should help get them one, also the who likes who confused me. if someone and their best friend like each other, than that makes things a little harder, just try not to let the friendship fall apart over that.

    (and just a side note, I hope everyone is ok with their words being put on the internet, and I hope if they find out, it doesn't make anything worse)

  3. wow I don't get it?

  4. soz but that'ss so confusing to look at let alone read and its to long wat were u thinking soz cant answer question

  5. you just curious. and she is playing with your mind because shes now hurting and need someone to be thee for her.

  6. well, i lie all the time to make people feel good.  i think that you are faithful.

  7. waaaaaaaaaaay too long. sorry

  8. Yea I would probably lie so she wouldn't get upset, especially if she's emo <.< Oh and I think you only like Darien as a friend, but she obviously has a crush on you.. and she might be a little jealous of Ashley but she doesn't wanna hurt her.  

  9. She sounds like she was looking for a way for you to like her to say that you want to be with her and not your gf.  No, you made it clear lots of times that you're only into your gf.  This girl Darien is not a friend of Ashley's..  That is like one of the biggest rules is not try to get with your friends guy.  She's no good.  I think in reality she's miserable because she has a big crush on you and that is why she's not moving on to her new life where she lives.

  10. hmmm well that was a little confusing,

    but theres nothing wrong with trying to make her feel better. and you werent flirting with her in anyway, so theres no reason that she should think you like her.

  11. thats interesting.  

  12. I think u would she seems like the type of person you would want your girlfriend hanging around with

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