
I need are really smart person to answer this question :)?

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how is the denali fault, san andreas fault. juan de fuce ridge and queen charlotte fault created?

haha, i don't need like "in the beginning of time the sun blah blah blah". i just need to know if it was created by a subduction zone, trench, divergent plate boundary, convergent plate boundary, oceanic-oceanic plate convergent plate boundary, oceanic-continental plate boundary, etc.

i tried googling them up. but i found nothing!

thanks in advance!




  1. Those faults, and others along the west coast of Canada and the US, are all related to the structurally complex Pacific plate-North American plate transpressional boundary.

    If google failed you, try the magic little search box on Yahoo.  I tried it, and got lots of good pages. You just need to spell Fuca correctly.

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