
I need as much info as I can please?

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So me and my honey want to move to Seattle, Wasington so we need as much information possible abou the city. Jobs, fun, entertainment, good places to live, etc. So if anyone has any info on this city please pass it over. If its good to live in this state? Recommended? why or why not? Greatly appreciated.




  1. I have lived in the Seattle Metropolitan Area for most of my life & would reccomend it to almost anyone. If you love fresh air, seasons, beautiful state wide scenery, diversity, culture, can deal with a little greyness where when the sunshine comes is the real payoff, and a city with a real personality, then come join pacific northwest lovers in Seattle! =)

    In the Greater Seattle area whether it be Edmonds, Bellevue, or South Seattle, you will have beautiful views, mountains, trees, water, seasons, its just great overall.

    It has a little something for everyone! If you are the city slicker, you can live in downtown Seattle, OR Downtown Bellevue. But if you prefer the countryside, just 20 minutes away you have Issaquah, Duval, or Woodinville. You get the best of both worlds, and it's only a short drive away. (I sound like I'm advertising for a travel magazine...haha)

    Given we have our rush hour traffic to watch out for, but as soon as you get to know the roads a little, taking backroads will be a sinch when its bad. Rain really is'nt as bad as people make it out to be, it's the greyness that can get to some people, but the amount of activitie available easily counteracts that. If anything, it makes you appreciate a nice sunny day when they are here =). Nothing like walking on Alki Beach with the whole Seattle Skyline at your disposal.

    It's a really relaxed liberal culture here at the same time being very tollerant of others beliefs. The food is great. The people are diverse. You'll see all sorts of nationalities hanging out together. People tend to not discriminate against anyone, and during winter when it snows, it's a winter wonderland view.

    As you can see, I'm a HUGE fan of this city, and although consider moving away often just to travel the world, I ultimately would love to come raise my family here.

    Once you drive down I-5 overpass on a clear night towards the city center & your view consists of Union Bay to the right, University District to your left, downtown & city lights straight ahead & all around you, it will be so breathtaking, you'll wish you could come to a complete stop & just take it all in for a minute....

    I was born in Russia, but am a Seattlite for life =). If you are an outgoing person, you will love this city & state.

  2. I've lived here since 1984 (migrated from another country), it's change so much; everywhere i look their building more and more condominium or lofts but most people aren't able to afford them...Traffic has gotten worse that they have to build extra lanes for vehicles to go thru...Public transit's fares also went up as did everything else...In the early 2000s yes it was a good place to live but now it's getting overcrowded it's ridiculous...There are suburbs around Seattle which might be a lil better but if you need to tend to business in Seattle then you'll find the problem around the city...We come back now and then from the Midwest where my bf lived coz my parent's still live here but am sure when they retire and move out of Seattle then there would be no reason for us to come visit SEA...Find out more info for yourselves through google or wikipedia...But these have been my experiences since i grew up in this area...Good luck w/you guys' decisions

  3. Search "Seattle, Washington" on Google

    or Wiki it.

    It depends if your a city person or not.... Also, if you like the weather there, the prices, jobs and alot more..

    Google will tell it all!

  4. I have lived in Seattle for over ten years now and I can tell you from experience it is one of the best places to live in the country. There are always people who will say, "It rains too much," or, "It's way too gray...there is too much traffic." To tell you the truth traffic is something to expect in any major city! It is pretty gray sometimes, but you get used to it and every gray day just makes the sunny days so much better! There are so many activities in Seattle! You have the ocean right on the side of the city and the mountains are only 30 minutes away where the skiing is fantastic! The people in Seattle are so friendly, down to earth and intelligent. Washington is the most literate state in the US! I would recommend to live about 15 minutes outside the city in Bellevue. It is a city itself and it is a great place to live. If you prefer to live in the city, Queen Anne is quite nice and capital hill is a little more edgy. Seattle is a beautiful city! It is very green. There are great restaurants and parks. Overall this is a great place to live! Don't pass it up! I hope this helps!  

  5. I live in washington and wish I could move away almost everyday. The cost of living is ridiculous, gas prices are the highest in the country and meth is everywhere. Stay where you are or move somewhere else, I wish I had.

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