
I need assistance with golf swing??

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i am right handed by the way

- often on the golf course, when i drive the ball, i find that my ball hooks pretty nastily to the right, why is this and how do i correct this??




  1. I used to have a major slice with my driver and my advice that worked for me is:

    -go to the driving range and try different things

    -you may be standing too close to the ball, which would cause a slice, you may be standing good on a practice swing but when you swing you'll extend your arms farther usually.

    -try griping it harder sometimes if you don't grip it tight the club will actually turn in your hand without you noticing before you hit the ball.

    -finally try positioning the ball the ball between your feet (you move the ball closer to your front foot you'll get more height while moving it back will hit it flatter) but if you have the ball too far ahead you'll acutally hit it as the club is turning over causing you to "pull" the ball.

    - Try these or a combination of these and see how it works, should work.

  2. hooks and in your case slices are caused by any of several swing flaws.......Lessons from a teaching pro are the only true way to correct swing flaws.  Practice the drills correctly that the pro gives you and you will be straight as a string.

  3. Sounds like you are hitting the ball with the golf club coming outside-in.  Go to the driving range and test several things:

    (1) Flatten out your swing so your club drops from the top of your backswing first, which will force the club head to stay 'behind' you instead of coming over the top from the outside. (2) Stand farther away from the ball and keep your arms straight.   (3) Imagine you let the club face follow the ball flight path after you've made contact, so you won't try to bring the club head back around to your inside-left.  (4) Check your left arm at the top of the backswing, make sure you are NOT bending at the elbow cuz your arm will straighten out during the downswing and extended the club outwards.  Lastly, you can have a friend look at your downward swing-path to see if you are swinging outside-in, if you are, do couple slow-motion downswings until your friends see you swinging on plane, then practice that feel.

  4. You could find the problem in your take away just make sure you take the club straight back and keep a slow transition and that may be all but if not go see a professional and they will straighten out. Also look into "The Magic Move" which is about keeping your right elbow in place throughout the swing which keeps you from coming over the top.

  5. I bet you are getting great swing advice. has a great swing section as does many major golf sites. But, in my opinion, the best way to improve your swing is to be able to practice, experiment and discover by practicing several times a week with as many balls as you choose to hit. The only problem with that is that most people can't get to the golf course. So I think the biggest secret in golf right now is the almostgolf ball. You can now practice nearly anywhere there is open space without breaking windows or denting cars. thats pretty revolutionary and if you just practice 15-30 minutes a day in a convenient location, (walking distance from home) you will definately improve your swing quickly.

    Best of luck

  6. A hook is caused by an in-to-out swing path with a closed clubface at impact.  You need to square your club face at point of contact which on the same swing path will give you a lovely draw.

    You say it hooks pretty nastily in which case it may in fact be a "pull hook" which is caused by in-to-in swing path and a closed club face.  Note it still requires a closed club face to do this.  If you could get the club face square on an in-to-in swing path the ball would go straight.

    Try opening the club face at address by turning it in your grip and not by turning your grip - if you know what I mean.

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