
I need baby sitting tips.?

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hi, I'm gonna be baby sitting this friday and thursday. and i was just wondering what fun things that i can do with a 4 year old. because i have to take care of her and do my school work (I'm home schooled) and make her food and take care of their dog. so idk what i should do with her. because i don't want her watching tv all day. i just don't know what else we can do and like when she's bad and i discipline her i don't know how because she never listens




  1. Go for a walk. Start up a collection of things you can find outside. Do easy art projects (basically just coloring or fingerpainting). Have a dance party (yes with just you two, who cares). As long as you go into your activity sounding like you're excited, she will be excited too.

    Instead of disciplining her, try the options approach. For example, if she's running around in the house and she needs to settle down, instead of yelling at her to stop running, ask if she wants to draw a picture or watch TV.  

  2. In the case of discipline, you need to talk to the parents about what they do with her as you should be consistant with thier rules. I find time out effective, just a short period in thier room or sitting quietly on a chair. But its important to check with the parents first and dont over-use it. Remember that if you havn't earnt her respect yet, she wont listen to you. try not to be to tough.

    If your doing school work she might like to do some to! make it exciting and give her some coloured pencils and a workbook to draw in. Maybe write some letters for her to try and copy. Be enthusiastic and she will too. Young children love music and dancing. get her to help you making food.

    most of the time kids just want to be involved in what you are doing. They love being a 'little helper'.

    Hope that helps

  3. i have a 4 year old at home. i tell you if the weather is nice let them play outside. that usually wears em out. or go to the dollar store with her and let her pick out a couple toys. she will think you are the greatest for it and you will only be out $2-$3.  or give her some paper and crayons and let her draw you a picture.

    i know discipline can be a touchy subject. the best thing to do i think, without spanking, is when she is bad make her hold her arms straight out and up for a couple minutes. and if she starts throwin a fit make her hold something in each hand. they get the point pretty quick and they hate doing it, but it doesnt harm them plus it builds muscle strength in the arm. its what i do to my lil boy.

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