
I need biology help.. pleaseee (:?

by  |  earlier

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i know this may sound like easyish... and i guess this should be my own experience, but i just can't think of anythning. if you can give me hints or ideas i would really appreciate it =) okay, heres the question...

Describe a situation where you had to make a decision where knowledge of biology would have been helpful.

i dont understand. please help meee =)

im not exactly sure ...

(this is supposed to be an interview, so i'm supposed to interview someone.. so i guess this isn't really supposed to be my own answer. so your help would mean soooo much to me (: thank you )




  1. I took the Biology GRE test.  Believe me, a knowledge of biology would have been helpful :)

  2. Someone cuts him/herself and the blood seeps out but it doesn't flow that fast.

    You know: biology taught you the difference between veins and arteries and as a consequence you know what pressure to apply.

    You see a litter of rabbits. All baby rabs are black apart from one, which is white. The owner asks if the white rabbit would be suitable to breed and produce black rabbits. Because biology taught you genetics you can now answer the breeder with the fullest of confidence.

  3. It is the guinea pig experiment in the medical field!

  4. I can think of quite a few:  everytime you go to the grocery store--and decide on products based upon ingredients or lactose or gluten or yoghurt etc.  Or purchase vitamin supplements or try & cut out thr trans fat, cholesterol etc.  Good Nutrition requires a basic knowledge of biology and the workings of the human system.

    Or simple wound care or first aid at home for life's bumps & scratches (heat vrs ice; cleansing etc)

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