
I need boredom busters for my 12 year old niece?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if any of you read my other question, but my 12 year old niece is living with me for a month. I sent her to a camp for a week, and now she is staying home. I won't mind driving her around if she wants to go somewhere, but i need some ideas for her to do at home first. Anything? All answers will be appreciated! Thanks guys!




  1. when i was about 12, i had a friend or two come over and we would film each other singing and was always lots of fun watchin the video afterwards or we would act like we're models and change into so many different outfits, we could make each other all "pretty", do our hair and just have fun...

    or we used to put up our tent in the back yard and sleep out side, tell scary and funny stories... yeah...those were the good   (long time ago though)...

    yeah well i dont know your niece so i dont know how she is...more girly or tom boyish... but thats what i did when i was about that age...=)

  2. Well since it is probably hot in your area go to the community pool or area lakes to go swimming. You can also take her shopping to the mall, go to movies, go skating, or play put put golf. Have fun!

  3. 1.take her and a friend to the park and have a picnic

    2. go to the mall and get ice-cream

    3. At home, yall can find a good recipe and make it!

    4. Paint

  4. Rather than trying to entertain her, why don't you let her help you with the things that you already do? You can make anything fun from straightening up the house, gardening to cooking dinner. After that, I'd ask her what she likes to do...

    I'm sure she has some ideas...In my area there are movies in the park or concerts taking place on weekends. What about flea markets or garage sales? Take turns doing each others nails, trying on new makeup...She'll probably have a better time being part of your hectic life than being taken or sent to places where she'll feel you sent her because you don't know what to do with her.

  5. Cooking/baking.

    Takes time to do and you get to eat your results.

    Start a big puzzel at home. Leave it somewhere everyone can add to it.

    Garden. Let her plant her own flowers/veggies.

    This is the age when my daughter really started to be interested. I also got her KLUTZ books. She learned how to knit, and crochet, friendship bracelets. They are wonderful books with step by step directions. Then we would go to JoAnn fabric to put up more supplies

    Library- there may be some programs there. Check out some good reading books.

    Get her a digital camera.

    Outings to the




    city-big city around you??

    scrapbook store - some have free classes

    both of you go for a manicure/pedicure or do it at home to each other

    Movie day. We close up the blinds, crank the AC, pop the popcorn and watch all 6 Star War flicks.

    find out what she likes and help her to explore those areas.

  6. if you don't have a swimming pool then take her to a place nearby where you can go swimming, near my house is skyneatlas pool

    or a fun water park

    since its so hot make some cold treats together like smoothies or homemade ice cream!

    or go out for ice cream

    you can also go out for dinner, or even breakfast....i heard ihop is good!( i love pancakes)

    i am also 12 and these are the things i really like to do

    but i also enjoy hanging out with my friends too

    hope this helped :)

  7. You could sign her up for some fun day camps...

    A local neighborhood swimming pool would be a great idea....

    go to the mall, all girls love shopping!...

    I don't know where you live but there is a water park nearby, she would love that...I know I would!...

    At all of the big bookstores there is usually a million books on crafts to do at home. Pick one up and she could do them alone or you could do them together....

    If you live anywhere near a big theme park (Carowinds, Six Flags, Dolly wood, ETC.)  then that would be an awesome day for both of you! They are usually not too expensive and they are a day packed full of fun!....

    Get her a big puzzle book, or help her make her own! I did this for a long car ride and I had a blast, not only doing the puzzles but making the book too! Just go on the Internet and find some free printable puzzles. (Word searches, crosswords, as many different types as you can find!)...

    Reading always entertains me. Most middle schools have a summer reading program, so just take her to a local bookstore and let her pick out a few good books!...

    buy her some computer games, you obviously have a computer!...

    Get her a job babysitting or pet sitting or something for a neighbor. That way she could make a little extra money too!...

    Good luck with your niece! Just remember in whatever you do to make sure to enjoy it and have fun! I hope I helped!

  8. exeirsise

  9. making jewlery was alot of fun when i was younger, or teach her how to sew pajama pants, she can make funky ones, do eachothers hair and fingernails

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