
I need change, freedom, a life... what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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I love my partner to bits, yet we are different I like to be spontaneous, he likes to be organized... which hasn't been a problem until now. We have a 12 month old girl and since falling pregnant I haven't done anything, I used to be very social and enjoyed getting away as much as possible. Now all I ever do is stay home, my friends are busy with their own lives, so if we do do something its with my partners friends (which is rarely)..... anyway I really want to make the most of life and see the world.. I live in Tasmania which is isolated, cold, offers No job opportunities. I want to move away.. Im happy to sell everything we own and hit the road, but though ive been trying to get him to do something for nearly two years now, he always says later, which never happens. I guess im just looking for some advice? i dont want to leave him, i love him to bits, i just want my life back, freedom, and change and i dont see it happening!!!




  1. First of all, recognize that your life has changed permanently because of the baby.  You can't go back to the old you again.

    Then, perhaps its time to make some new friends.  Other mothers with young babies would be a good idea - you could go on short trips, share tips, back each other up.

    You've isolated yourself and you should be reaching out.

    Instead of running away ( which I think your partner is discouraging, perhaps correctly), deal with the situation.

  2. You are going to have to let him know how serious you are. Location does matter. I currently live somewhere I am ready to leave, luckily, my husband feels the same way. You need to discuss with him what you want out of life which includes him. Tasmania? Why there? Good luck, but you will have to open up to him if you are going to make it happen. Do you plan to get married?

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