
I need china advice?

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i'm going to beijing anyone have comments advice suggestions ect pleaseeeee




  1. Don't go there! Do not forget that China murdered over a hundred thousand tibetans in the lead up to the Olympics, while they were doing peaceful protests.

    What they didn't tell you were that Tibetan slaves were used to build all the Olympic landmarks in Beijing. In the last 3 years while building for the olympics millions of Tibetans have been murdered, political dissidents have been shot in the streets of Beijing and Tibetan owned businesses burnt to the ground by chinese troops.

    Free Tibet!

  2. Practice squatting.  You may not need this skill, but it will help if you have your balance in good form while in this position.  Not every toilet in Beijing is western style.  Some are essentially porcelain holes in the ground.  You do not want to lose your balance in one of these.  Take tissue packets and handiwipes with you while traveling around Beijing as not every place has paper or soap and water for washing.  You can buy tissue packets and handiwipes when you arrive in Beijing at any convenience store.  Don't buy them at the airport or train station.  They're overpriced.  

    Drink Coke with meals.  It will help your stomach adjust to the local food.  It also helps alleviate the symptoms if you should get food poisoning.  Only drink bottled water.  It will be hot in Beijing so always keep some with you so you don't get dehydrated. AT NO TIME EVER SHOULD YOU DRINK THE TAP WATER!!!!!

    Watch your things.  Beijing is a big city and the pickpockets are quite good at what they do.  Carry your backpack in front of you.  Thieves have been known to razor the bottom of people's bags to catch things as they fall out the bottom.  If you wear a f***y pack keep your hand over the zipper.  I had someone go into my purse during the 30 seconds I took my hand off it to take a closer look at something.  Fortunately, my money was in my jeans and they didn't take anything.  However, my best friend lost her purse from right behind her back while she was eating.  They took it off her chair when she leaned forward to get some food.  Another friend and I both had backpacks stolen while eating at McDonald's on two seperate occassions.  So Like I said be careful with your things.

    Be prepared for no personal space.  Chinese people don't know much about personal space and don't seem to notice when they have invaded yours.  Also, be prepared for queue jumping.  Beijing has worked on trying to get it's citizens to queue, but this is a new concept to them and non-Beijingers may not realize they need to keep a line, particularly if there's no police presence to enforce it.  

    Learn to bargain.  Remember most everything they are selling you is made in China.  It should be cheaper there.  Don't accept outrageous prices and don't let anyone travelling with you accept outrageous prices.  Whatever price they offer is likely to be sky high because there are gullible tourists who will pay it since it's cheaper than home.  Don't be that guy!  When they give you their price, calculate what it would cost at home, and then offer half that.  It will be your starting point in negotiations.  If they accept too easily you didn't go low enough.  The point of bargainging in China is to make the vendor writhe in agony when they accept your price and sell it to you for much cheaper than they initially told you.  That's how the game works and they will respect you for doing it their way.  If the vendor refuses to give you what you think is a decent price walk away.  They may call you back and give it to you for that price or they might let you go.  Make sure you look around and compare prices too, before you buy anything.  However, if you are in a department store and the price is posted that is likely to be the fixed price.  You can ask if they have any discounts though.

  3. beijing is a good place to go since its the capital of china and the olympic is going to be there.

    when u get there u should definitely try what is call the " peking duck" its a very traditional food and its awsome. u should also viste tian-an-men, or the kings palace.

    make sure you have fun!!

  4. hi,

    don't forget to visit the Forbidden-city!


  5. u can visit the Xidan cultural square:

    People walk past the Xidan Pailou, a decorated archway, at the new Xidan Cultural Square in Beijing, capital of China, July 23, 2008. The reconstructed Xidan Cultural Square was opened to the public on Wednesday. More than 4,000 square meters of underground commecial area, the central stage and waterscape have been added to it. The Xidan Pailou, a decorated archway, was restored after disappearing for 85 years.

  6.   If you will go to Beijing during the Olympic time, you need to pay a lot for your hotel and transportation fee. I suggest if you could, you would better to arrival Beijing after Olympic.

      The major public transportation in Beijing is bus and subway (Subway is a fast, and easy way)  .

      And the best option is to buy a Public Transportation Card in advance at authorized ticket outlets and recharged it as required. A deposit of 20 yuan (RMB/CNY) is required for each card. Simply add money to the card as needed. Every time when you board a bus or the subway, just swipe your card. When you leave Beijing, you can get a refund both of your card deposit and any unused money.  
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