
I need confiramation of the meanings of some geological terms such as gentrification help please!?

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Please confirm if these are correct or not..

Suburbanisation- the movement of people/businesses out of the inner city because land is cheaper.

Filtering- the movement of people of to an area with in a city to be amongst people of the same culture/ethnicity.

Gentrification- the buying and renovating of run down properties in deprived areas by upper/middle class families or individules thus improving the quality of housing in the area.




  1. Your answers look OK but they belong in the Urban Studies/Human Geography syllabus......Geology???? No no no.

  2. zoning sums up  a multitude of sins

    1) zoning

    2) Ghetto building although not politically correct is still applicable with single ethnic attraction if you want to identify a paticular group . An afterthought  ---  Enclave

    3) urban renewal

    some terms have become acceptable as they are used by journalists and in the context of an article are self explanatory but made need explanation if you intend to use them in a report .

    there is  glossary of terms but it is loose , agree with above human geography not geology . Things are on the change too so not everything is as clear cut as planners would like .

  3. suburbanization is that, but, there are many reasons for it too occur not just cheaper land and after a while in developed countries the converse applys as inner city areas become less desirable and run down, as all the wealthy people who can move out leaving only the poorer behind.

    This run down and cheapness of land in the inner city then fuels gentrification.

    filtering? its mainly known as ethnic segregation (UK name) and this occurs due to people wanting to or being forced due to housing costs to live in the inner city areas, centered near previously settled family and specialist services such as faith schools and shops (eg halal meat butchers etc)

    in geography the best way to define terms is:

    1) say what it is

    2)say what it has been enabled by or the factors that influence it

    3) give a real life example to give context

    hope this helps :)

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