
I need crazy ideas !!! Please help?

by Guest59396  |  earlier

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Ok, well I take acting classes. I don't know for sure, but this week, or next week, there are supposed to be agents coming in. It is my dream to get one! My acting class always starts off with a game called machine. You pretend you are a part of a machine and you have to do a very wierd machine sound. Also, we play a game called L.A. Tag, where 2 people start off a scene and someone yells freze, and both of the people freeze and another person steps into the scene using one of the positions of the people in the scene. This is an improv game (same with the machine one) and I need to cheat! I need some CRAZY ideas for the L.A. Tag game because the acting teacher always says to use crazy, off the wall ideas. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP?? I want to use these ideas for the improv game in my acting class today to get an agent.

Please give me CRAZY ideas, like my hands are glued together and my legs are turning into lava, stuff wierd like that. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!




  1. Step One: Ignore your acting instructor. This person is teaching improv and is instructing you to use only "off the wall ideas"?? I have taken training for years, and this is number one on the "do not do" list. There is comedy in real life. We have all watched scenes involving that one person  who insists "I'm amazing because I am an exploding monkey wheee look at me!!" Trying too hard to be zany and off-the-wall leads to bad improv, and coming up with pre-conceived ideas is h**l on your scene partner. Relax. Breathe. Have fun and be committed to your idea. If your mind goes blank, run through the position that your body is in. "My finger is on my nose...when in real life is my finger on my nose?" Believe me, agents will be able to spot a forced and pre-conceived idea from a mile away. Even if you need to stand still for a moment and think, you will earn their respect for calmness under fire.

    As for the machine game, hold back for a second and look at the whole picture that has been created by your collegues. Don't analyze, just look. Is there a level missing? Is there a blank spot onstage? Support your teammates by filling in when you're needed. Another good strategy is to look for opportunities to tie in with someone else and/or mirror them. Symmetry works well with this game.

    Relax. Think to yourself, "To h**l with it," and give yourself credit - you can handle this. If you're too nervous, remember that supporting your partners is one of the best qualities that an improviser can have. Show off that skill if the others are failing you. Break a leg!

  2. wow i do those games to in my acting plce too!!!!! but 4 machine idk.,..just pretend that u got hit be a ball or somthing and make a funny face with a wierd nice!!! but the l.a. tag....i say wen some one ends with like a yelling..then just be rlly quiet in the beging then b all mad later..or vs versa...idk it is hard to write then just show u

    good luck!!!!!!

  3. your a gymnast that it halfway into a cartwheel!!

  4. It's hard to give you ideas because you can't really "cheat" at improv, because you have to go off of the position somebody else freezes in.  Unless you all make an elaborat scheme to have it rehearsed beforehand.  But that's kind of bogus to do.

    Trust your INSTINCTS.

    Don't worry about the agents.  Do excercises that heighten your awareness and get the energy flowing beforehand. Listen to music that makes you feel off the wall before hand, and think of situations that make you laugh.  Just put yourself in the state of mind.

    Prepare your body and mind, and your unique creativity should flow on it's own.

    Sorry I didn't give you the answer you were seeking, but I gave you the answer I believe to be right.

    Break a leg, and let us know if you get an agent audition.

  5. i have no clue i am kind of confused sorry!

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