
I need cross country help!

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ok in x country we have a warm up drill where we run on a 2 mile trail. and its the 2nd day of training and I cant keep up with everyone. I'll be doing ok then all of a sudden ill have to stop because I get a side cramp or I'll get extremely tired. How do I stop this?? Please anyone help me with this. Any advice I would greatly appreciate, Thanks so much!




  1. hmm try eating healthy, and go to the park or something and go jogging to help you get in shape and run longer

  2. The side cramp is also called a "stitch." Don't eat right before you run, at least 30 min but preferable 60 min. Make sure you're hydrated. If the stitch is on the left side, exhale when you're right foot hits the ground, and vice versa. Try breathing deeper. Don't run in really cold temparatures. If you can, try to run through it, but if all else fails, walk and breathe deeply until it goes away, then run again.

    The only way to stop getting tired is to run regulary. Everyone gets tired, but the fitter you are, the less soon you get tired. Don't eat a lot of sugar, either, before you run because that could cause it to.

    Good luck running, hope i helped

  3. The best way to get rid of stitches/cramps is to run through them. Just keep giving it your all and by n' by you will be up there with everyone else.

    practice makes perfect.

  4. well i think besides obviously running more and trying harder try to check on how you breath, also if your going to start cross country you should make sure u have a healthy diet and drink lots of water so u won't dehydrate  

  5. well it willg et very hard for like the first week. then it will hurt for the second week. and by the third week it will be easy for you if you continue to practice. it dosent get harder. as time goes on it will be like walking.

  6. Make sure you aren't scrunched over when you are running.  Straighten your spine.  Remembering to look forward rather than at your feet helps with this.  If you keep your back straight, you give your stomach more "room"  and reduce the chance of cramps.  As for getting rid of them once you have them, put your hands on your head (like a captured prisoner from a movie)  and keep moving.

    Have fun out there!

  7. i get those cramps, too. the best advice i can give to get rid of cramps is to rub your side while you run.

    not to sound harsh, but you're supposed to get tired. just try pushing yourself to go farther and farther every day. if you have to stop, that's okay, but try not to stop until you've gone farther than the previous day.

    best of luck :)

    oh, and remember, it's all in the training.

    by the way, don't drink a lot of water before you run, either. that'll give you killer stomach pains.

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