
I need easy meal ideas for my 13 month old?

by Guest31729  |  earlier

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i have started table foods and i am running out of ideas. i usually fix her some green beans and mashed potatoes with pieces of chicken. she only has 2 teeth so its very limited. i gave her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday she loved it. she eats yogurt and some baby food. i would just like to straight table feed her now instead of baby food. please help with some easy ideas.




  1. do you seriously expect her to eat 'straight table food' with only two teeth?

  2. my son is 13 months old. we give him everything that we eat. he absolutely loves eggs! we try to give him as much to feed himself as possible. we cut everything real small and let him go to town. there are, of course, some foods that he cant feed himself like yogurt, mashed potatoes, etc. Cereals are great-try kix or cheerios. my son really likes apples cut up. (he also has alot of teeth, so it may be different for yours)

  3. I would buy those gerber graduate meals for the diaper bag when we were on the run.  Then I'd save the containers wash them & use to freeze cassaroles etc for at home.  I'd vacuum seal & next time I was short on time I'd grab some home cookin already made from the freezer!  Other ideas...Schwaan home delivery service has a mixed vegtable with bowtie noodles that work for a quick lunch.  But I always found cassaroles the easiest to pepare & feed to the baby and all food groups were covered.  Some easy ones are boiled elbow macaroni, ground burger, can of diced tomatoes & a can of totamto soup mix together & serve.  i season it for the seasonings for the baby.  Don't think it matters tho.  also Velvetta shells & cheese, bag of frozen mixed veggies and either tuna or ground burger, mix together & serve.  These are both great for a baby learning to self feed & soft enuf for minimal teeth...mine never got teeth til a year either!  Hope it gets you started with some ideas....

  4. There are soo many things but here are some that are quick and easy:

    mac and cheese

    mash potatos and steemed carrots

    peanut butter and jelly

    chef boy r d the meat filled

    soup of any kind

    pasta that is over done so its nice and soft

    peas chicken and pasta is a quick meal

    I hoped i helped

  5. sweet potato, butternut squash and roast beef! my 2 boys love it

  6. You gave your 13 month old peanut butter??? By giving your child peanut butter before the age of two, they have a good chance of getting allergies to other things. I would not recommend it.  

  7. mac n cheese! my daughter loves mac n cheese, i give my daughter almost about everything except seafood and steak.. but shes got 8 teeth so that may be a little different, just try giving her little bites of stuff. my daughter also loves egg in the mornin

  8. Pasta~~Mac and cheese, or noodles with a little butter

    Scrambled eggs

    Grilled cheese with out the crust

    Any cooked veggies

    Cheese cute up in small cubes

    Cooked moist chicken in small pieces


    French toast


    Just about anything you eat she can eat.  Just make sure the pieces are small.  Of course avoid anything that is a tougher texture or harder to chew.

  9. You can pretty much give her whatever you eat at meals just hers has to be chopped up in tiny pieces. 2 teeth is all she needs. If you are looking for quick food you could just try those gerber graduates for toddlers. They are little meals with real food not baby food and you just pop them in the microwave for 30seconds.  

  10. I get those packs of apple sauce that are no sugar added (make sure no splenda either)

    You can get them mixed with blueberries, cranberries, and other stuff too - it's all good!  I eat them myself.  They are also an excellent substitute for pancake topping (rather than sugar-loaded syrup)

    peas are great - easily mashed in mouth even without teeth.  Just about any veggie can be boiled in five minutes.  If your little one likes veggies, try a different one each week.  Constantly introducing new stuff helps keep the baby from turning down everything new - before you know it you'll have a great eater.  My son loves PB&Js too - if you need a variation, try cream cheese and jelly - a big favorite with my family (I even got my husband hooked on 'em and he'd never heard of that).  I got my son hooked on cottage cheese - that's great.  I will make a big thing of mashed sweet potato for dinner and give the leftovers to my son over the next week.  

    Scrambled eggs are very easy to make and take very little time (especially if you do it often)  Put dried parsley in them or mix in diced tomatoes for a veggie bonus.  Not much chewing required.  Egg is the best protein out there and kids need lots of protein for growing!  They are often a better substitute than harder to chew meats.

    Keep in mind that you want them to have all their pyramid by the end of the day, but they don't have to get the variety in every meal.  I balance protein with carbs, but will do a veggie lunch, an afternoon fruit, etc.

  11. I recommend books by Tana Ramsay and Lorraine Kelly.  The provide recipes for parents and children eating together.  

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