
I need every one help on this should I give up a great job for my man or should I stay and commute.?

by Guest62315  |  earlier

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I Love my job but my future husband wants me with him I love him but I could lose my career pls advise.






  1. Do not give up anything until you are married and at that point you can reassess the situation.  You need to look for a compromise.  Partners who feel they gave up a large part of their life to accommodate the other are at a disadvantage in the relationship. Perhaps he can move to a location closer to you.  Perhaps there are other options.

    Don't make life changes until the marriage certificate is signed and the ink is dry.  I wish you the best!

  2. take your career,life is short and you need to do for yourself

  3. That's really a tough choice. You're not married yet so I'd say go for the job. But if you're seriously going to be married soon(have the date and all the wedding plans in the works) your man should be the priority. Marriage is really tough and if you don't make your spouse a priority it won't last. Pray about it.

  4. you should keep working. definitely.

    especially if you're not married.

  5. commute!  you can look for jobs at any time.  harder to find someone than a job, especially since it seems you are enthusiastic about work.

    can you work out a way to "work at home" one day a week?  to ease the burden?

    really, careers are easy to come by -

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