
I need exercise Idea/ I will PAY you?

by  |  earlier

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I have a small startup, fitness mixed with a social network.

You give me an idea on what I should focus it on (contests, etc..)

I use it, i will paypal you.

List any idea you have that would make you visit a site often




  1. if you do exercises you could film different routines

    and upload them to your web site where you can then

    set them up as pay per view and charge $2, $5 or what ever amount you like to charge for people to view your lessions which the can then do at  home.

    there is a company for a small monthly fee ($14.95 no contract) you can  upload your videos to a account then embed your video page from that account which is setup ready to go with the pay per view in to your normal business website,

    and they stream the videos for you so you dont have extra hosting cost.

    once you have it set up and videos on your site do a email  or news letter to your exisiting client base telling  them of your new service, you could also set up a blog with a RSS feed to keep them up to date with whats happeing in  your business and any new lessions that you add to your site, try to make your site a place where they want to go to get the latest info not only on your business but things that are happening in your area, even aproach local business to advertise on your site- offer the advertising to the locals for free if you have to.

    they will also tell their customers and client to check out your site, that should get the ball rolling

    if you like this idea and want more info

    or contact me .

    Cheers Darryn

  2. okay if your making an exercise site have them start by taking a quiz and ask them question like height ,weight and tell them if there overweight what diet they can have and fast burning calorie exercises and if there underweight stuff like that but as for the exercises themselves have a video of you doing each exercises yourself and Wat type of machine or weights to use, and things that make me visit sites like that is it has to feel like they r setting up a workout and diet plan just for u!good luck

    p.s - i know your not gunna pay me but good way to get my attention =D

  3. nice sound like a great business person :)

    something that would make me visit a site often is daily healthy easy meal ideas...but a few to pick from, not just " eat exactly this"

    I saw in a catalogue for Kraft today....they had an ingredients list of things to throw in your cooler for a picnic, and what you could make with those things....very cool idea, and easy, and if you made it healthy, it would relate to your site well!

    good luck and email me when it's up and running!

  4. The coolest thing I've seen is an online fitness community that (in addition to selling their own dvds) allows members to login and submit which workout they are doing.  So if I were to have a fitness buddy I could login and see what workout s/he is doing at that moment.  Or when I'm feeling like I need motivation I can login and see what other members of the community are doing at that same time.  It's a fun way to build bonds in an online setting.  

    I belong to a different fitness community and we don't have that feature (though as a CL I'm practically begging for it to be added) but we have a daily check-in and monthly rotation of workouts so there's a group of us doing the same workout on the same day.  It really helps people stay on track and when people are on track they feel like they are getting their money's worth.  Plus they benefit by actually making progress.  Seventy pounds ago I was really unhappy and now I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm telling you-it works.

  5. sounds pretty cool, i would consider maybe something like excercises that users could learn.. and list ideas for filling, healthy, snacks anyone could make quickly.

    also, make sure you maybe list progress of some users.. much like most commercials you see that have "before and after" pictures.. also, think about running a local group that gets together to run or jog around. you could also interest people with making a group with just people that jog with their dogs.

  6. Well I guess for me the most important thing would be how welcome I was made feel.

    I would suggest offering as much as you can for free to begin with.  Maybe as you go along you could match members with other members so they could work with each other and offer each other support etc.

    Either way I wish you all the best in your great idea.

    My Paypal is

    (It's ok if you dont pay me, time's are hard)

    Cheers, Kylie

  7. Here are few links you can use. I can assure you that it is free but convey advice worth millions.

    Hope it helps



  8. Serve people, be honest, offer as much as you can for free,be reasonable in pricing, be unique. Always keep in mind the interest of END USER.Give money back guarantee.

    Example(in their respective field):

    Now pay me :

  9. I dont know if you will pay us but anyway

    Boot camp always catches people's attention

  10. The one thing everybody is huge on nowadays is self-improvement so stuff on that would go down pretty well. The only problem is that you'd need continuously new info.

    Another idea that would keep people coming back is having group events or posting links to events (races and the like) on your site. If you prove to be a good source of information, the people will just keep on coming back.

  11. Help other people for free.

    You will exercise your body

    And exercise your love.

    You don't have to pay me.

    It is free. Did you know Love

    Don't cost ---------        .It pays.

    Mark my words.This system is

    going to come back.It is the one

    that has been tested and the only

    one to stand the test of time.

  12. focus on fitness , drive it by contests -like you said .


    fitness questions, fitness IQ test , history of fitness , exercise categories,

    -whatever-  reward people with free swag and memberships.get custom items with your business name to promote it .

    get coop advertising + product  from health foods or related businesses , sportswear , etc..

    it's gonna be BIG.

    good luck !

    (I'll be watching my pay pal account)

  13. by the way you don't have to pay me if you like this but

    have of course a fitness fecility but also match people with the same dilemma like

    Wedding Coming up

    or slimming down

    losing pregnancy fat

    some stuff like that were the partners can set up a schedule (you somewhat manage of course) and motiate each other along with personal trainers if wanted

    this way they can easily connect easily with eachother, understand eachother and help eachother by losing the weight or building the muscle and maybe even have a little area for them to relax and meet other people after workouts

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