
I need eyeliner tips?

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I need tips on eyeliner. Any tips.





  1. Less is more.

  2. if your good at putting it on, liquid eyeliner gives you a smooth straight line

  3. I just recently bought liquid eyeliner by Almay... I like how applying it to the top lid right along the eye lash line makes your eyes really stand out.  I really like it's applicator.  It's kind of like a stiff spongey like thingy, with a very pointy tip!  It applies nicely...

    Night time is a better time for wearing eyeliner a little heavier, and if you wear glasses, you should add a little more.  But if you are fair skin toned... go with a lighter color and application.  

  4. on lids


  5. Well I definately agree with the fact that less is more. You can buy eye liner in different forms. Most common are the eye pencil, and the liquid eyeliner. I have shopped around and find that liquid eyeliner is personally easier for me to apply. I put a thin line on the bottom of my eye, and a thin line on the top to define your eyes without over doing them. Shop around for what you find best, and have fun experimenting different eye liner styles to find what suits you!

  6. dont wear too much

  7. Don't put on too much. Like don't cover you're whole lid with it.

    Just put a little on the top and bottom.

    And if you have smaller eyes, then don't put it all the way to the inner crease of your eyes.

  8. nice and thick on bottom and top

  9. Let me share the application tips with you

    It is a good idea to rest your elbow on a tabletop while lining your eyes, as this will give you an even and steady line

    Line the upper eyelid just above the lash line in short feathery strokes from inner to outer corner or vice versa...

    thickening a little towards outer corner....

    for lower lash lids, apply from mid-lids to outer corner

    Hope this helps!

  10. well i only put eyeliner on half of my eye.. like LC if you've ever seen laguna beach or the Hills. i've got a real problem with smearing if its all around my eye.

  11. Go to this website and do the virtual make over and see different looks for your skin tone. You can also upload your picture and add colors to see what you would look like personally. Play with website because theres other areas to see different colors and styles.
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