
I need faster footwork for boxing?

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I have alright footwork for boxing but i really want to know some workouts to improve agility so i can tire my oppenent, then strike, im pretty good when it comes to sprints but not sharp movements, any help would be sweet.




  1. There are two things you can do:

    1. Ropeskipping, ropeskipping and again ropeskipping.

    2. Try this exercise. (You need a workout partner for it) Try stepping on your opponents feet while he is constantly trying not to get stepped on his feet. Do three minute rounds. You can change either round for round or in the middle of each round or you both attack and defend in the same time. Try always to keep your proper boxing stance.

  2. skipping to a variety of music.

    Don't laugh.

    In 1968, My dad showed me how to dance in the ring.

    Never be flat footed unless the other guy is tired or just before you deliver an uppercut.( the left uppercut coming from your right foot toes and your left foot sole)

    Skipping while moving from left to right and diagonally and back and forth.Don't skip in one spot. Turn on some music,Maybe a radio or in your head. It does work.Next you will find the rhythm in your body, is reflected in your feet. hands might not fly faster but the rhythm is stronger in the approach, the escape and the delivery.

    Good luck.

  3. i have been really working on my footwork for the past 5 months or so and can finally see improvement. i have used a couple main workouts to improve quickness and coordination. one drill is pretending i am in a 7'x7' square (i typically do this between 4 heavy bags in said shape). you imagine it is a small ring and that you are trying to cut off the ring and get to your opponent. everytime you hit the imaginery wall you quickly pivot and jab once or twice. you practice cutting the ring off from left to right and vice versa. every so often i will stand in the middle of the ring and pivot while jabbing in order to change my direction. i also pretend that i am being attacked and i work on head movement and counter punching while moving backwards. i have also been doing box and tire jumps for 3 min intervals as well as jump rope for a minimum of 20 minutes. it has really helped me with my coordination.



    hope this helps

  5. look at agility drills that football players do all the time. I don't know what they are called but you need one of those flat rope ladders for them. these are great ways to warm up for training and will greatly help you with agility. search for them on google. three of these are high knees, the karaoke step, and high skipping

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