
I need girl advice!!!!PLEASE help. thanks?

by  |  earlier

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I have been friends with a girl since 4th grade(we are now sophomores). I have always liked her, she has never admitted her she likes, so I have never told her that I like her. She can't date until she turns 16(next MAY). Should I tell her that I like her now or wait until then. I don't want to wait too long and have it be too late. We text all the time, and talk once in a while. She isn't a girly girl BTW. I don't know what to do, I don't want it to be too late for us to have a chance. Any suggestions?




  1. NOW  the sooner the better some other dude may ask him first or on the same day D=

  2. ask her best friends.what you should get her... surprise her with a wonderful gift then ask her out. it would the best b-day present for her.

  3. well, you have 2 choices , wait till may and go out with her, or tell her u like her and date her secretly. But, you should try to get close with her either way so that when MAy comes u have somewhere to start

  4. i think you should just ask her or tell her and then maybe do some comprimisation with her age, if you know her sooo well then im sure her parents will be fine with it.

    please help me out too;...

    thank you and hope i helped.

  5. dont pry from her friends..

    tell her and say you will wait for her.

    she will like you even more by saying that.

    even if she isnt a girly girl that makes them all melt.

    good luck :D

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