
I need good reasons why experimenting on animals is a necessity.?

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I need good reasons why experimenting on animals is a necessity.?




  1. Good medicines can be discovered, saving lives that way.

  2. It's either animals or humans. It's not a good reason but it is the way it is.

    We have been given dominion over the animals but that does not give us the right to abuse or misuse them.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Because experimenting on humans is less humane.

  4. in order to know more effects of a drug, animal testing is necessary.  a drug may be designed to cure a cough, but if it causes cancer there is no reason to produce the drug.  There is no way of knowing if a drug may have harmful side effects  (or even works) if it is not tested.

    Animals are used for several reasons.  First of all, many, especially rodents, have a shorter life span.  the entire life of a subject may be examined in a matter of a few years.  with humans, this would take approximatly 70 years.  also, mulitple generations may be examined in a shorter period of time than if humans were used.  

    Animals are chosen for testing based on life/span and "complexity" for lack of a better term.  Because a rat has a shorter lifespan and is considered less complex than a monkey, it is easier to begin testing on rats.  Monkeys are harder to get permission for testing, and usually successful sstudies must be completed on other species before making it to this level.

    One very looked over reason for animal testing is that it helps in the treatment and care of animals.  if you want to take your dog to the vet, the medicines and techniques have all been tested on animals.

  5. In order to learn about how the human body works, or how it reacts to drugs, we have to use animals. There is nothing we can do in a test tube and there is no computer model that is anywhere near as complex as a living animal.

    Lab animals are looked after as well as any pet, because an animal that is mentally or physically sick is no use to any scientist. The controls that are in place to make sure that they are treated humanely are very strict indeed. Most lab rats have a healthy life with lots of companionship, and a quick and painless death. No-one campaigns about wild rats being poisoned and slowly bleeding to death, or dying in agony in traps.

    It's true that a lot of pointless experimentation has been done, like stuffing animals with chemicals to see exactly how much it takes to kill them, just so someone can put a number on a safety data sheet or some cosmetics company doesn't get sued. I would quite happily see that stopped.

    On the other hand, I have a young relative who has cystic fibrosis. She may not live past her twenties. How many rats would I kill to give her a long and healthy life? Whatever it takes.

  6. No good reason what so over! It's a monstrosity that people even do.

  7. It has helped to produce many vaccines and medicines for both humans and animals. Without it, there'd be much more human suffering and death, and the same things among some animals for which we've found medicines through animal research. These are very good reasons, and there are no good reasons to stop animal testing. PETA co-founder Ingrid Newkirk said she's against animal testing, even if it finds a cure for AIDS. PETA did stop some funding for the March of Dimes, because some laboratories involved did animal testing. PETA is a group of mindless fanatics that helps terrorists and has killed 98% of the animals put in its charge. Following its policies would result in millions of deaths of humans and other animals and much suffering for both. That is criminal. Bryan has the right idea.

  8. scientists say they experiment on pests like field rats and some snails and slugs,


    they resemble humans (rats) and are used to conduct genealogical tests

    they are mammals which means they have chromosomes

    that resemble humans. (that's y they used a mouse to make a " knock out mouse "

    we could test dangerous bio weapons like anthrax, and 743 in mouse and it doesn't affect the environment.

    But there is no particular reason to do that on animals,

    the only matter is they r selfish and they kill animals instead of themselves.

  9. Animals kill other animals for short-term energy gain to sustain them which indirectly sustains their species as a whole.

    Humans kill other animals (in experiments) for long-term benefits (maybe) to the human population.  For example, people may do research on a new drug with an animal.  This may benefit the human population at the animal's expense. we must ask ourselves as humans, do we value the life of a non-human animal over the potential benefits to our species that that animal's sacrifice may give?

    I would argue that on one side of the spectrum, experiments with animals that are highly likely to save human lives are a necessity, while on the other side of the spectrum, experiments with animals that only help humans live more comfortably (ie. cosmetics) are not a necessity.

  10. it isnt a necesity. humans are just terrafied of death so our life ambition seems to be to find as many cures for illnesses as possible to avoid death and extend our lives by making other creatures suffer and be in constant pain. and then we die. basically humans are retarded and think for unknown reaons we have the right to harm other animals for our own twisted and diabolical reasons and cant seem to see any harm in that. if we kill each other fair enough who cares but why do we have to take up our problems on other creatures?

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