
I need good religious latin quotes?

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The quotes need to have a MAXIMUM of 21 characters in length. Whoever can list the most/best quotes will be selected as the best answer.




  1. Ie Jesu Domine, Dona Eis Requiem. (Thump!)

  2. Jerome's translation of the Bible into Latin means that all of scripture is available in a source revered for over a thousand years.  Any devout Catholic knows plenty of Latin phrases, such as "Ave Maria" [Hail Mary], "Pater Noster" [Our Father], "Peccavi" [I have sinned], "Mea culpa" [my fault], and "Absolvo te" [I acquit you] to name a few.  I'm not Catholic, but these have become part of the English language.

    Here are some more.  I'm leaving out the quotation marks.

    absit omen - may this not be an omen

    a cruce salus - salvation comes from the cross

    ad clerum - for [the ears of] the clergy

    Adeste Fideles - Come ye faithful

    ad vitam aeternam - for eternal life

    advocatus diaboli - Devil's advocate

    Agnus Dei - Lamb of God

    anno Domini - in the year of our Lord

    ante Christum - before Christ [B.C.]

    apage Satanas - away with thee, Satan

    Beata Maria - Blessed Mary [one of many titles for Mary]

    beati pauperes spiritu - blessed are the poor in spirit

    confiteor - I confess

    consummatum est - it is completed [last words of Jesus on


    credo quis absurdum est - I believe because it is


    cuius regio eius religio - the ruler [of a land] chooses its


    Dei gratia - by the grace of God

    Deo favente - with God's favor

    Deo gratias - thanks to God

    Deo iuvante - with God's help [iuvante = juvante]

    Deo optimo maximo - to God, the best, the greatest

    Deo volente - God willing

    de profundis - out of the depths [of dispair]; Psalm 130

    Deus Misereatur - May God Have Mercy; Psalm 67

    Deus vobiscum - God be with you

    Deus vult - God wills it

    Dies Irae - Day of wrath [last judgment]

    Domino, dirige nos - Lord, direct us

    Dominus illuminatio mea - the Lord is my light

    ecce homo - behold the man [words of Pontus Pilate]

    fiat lux - let there be light [Genesis I]

    fiat voluntas Tua - Thy will be done [Lord's prayer]

    Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Glory be to God on high

    in pectore - in the breast [appointment of a Cardinal by the

         Pope without an announcement]

    ite, missa est - go, the mass is ended

    laus Deo - praise be to God

    Missa solemnis - High mass

    nil novi sub sole - nothing new under the sun [Ecclesiastes]

    noli me tangere - don't touch me [John: Jesus to Mary]

    nunc dimittis - now you may depart [Luke]

    ora et labora - pray and work

    ora pro nobis - pray for us

    pax vobiscum - peace be unto you [traditional blessing]

    promotor fidei - promoter of the faith

    quod avertat Deus - which may God avert [God forbid!]

    retro Satanas - get thee behind me, Satan

    ruat caelum - though the heavens fall

    soli Deo gloria - glory to God alone

    sursum corda - lift up your hearts [the mass]

    terra es, terram ibis - dust thou art, to dust thou shalt return

    utcumque placuerit Deo - however it may please God

    vigilate et orate - watch and pray

    vox clamantis in deserto - the voice of one crying in the

         wilderness [John the Baptist]

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