
I need good shoes......?

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I need a pair of good comfort shoes

ones that will make standing up 5-6 hours a day less of a pain

I was looking at the nike shox, but theres so many different options i dont know which ones are the best

price range around 120-130




  1. I like these:

  2. Well The Nike Shox would be a good choice. Skate shoes are also comfy.

  3. i suggest puma, dc, or k-swiss. puma is good for wearing all the time, dc is kinda a really comfy skater shoe and last forever and k-swiss are casual and super supportive. Good Luck

  4. if you're on your feet...Nikes are NOT for standing around...get some Rockports or Timberland ( no they aren't old men shoes...) they're for walking and standing...wear shoes that FIT your feet correctly.

    Don't wear sports shoes for working, there isn't enough padding or support for that...

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