
I need hamster advice pleeze!?

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My daughter's one month old hamster has decided to turn her enclosed exercise wheel into her sleeping area. She spent all last night moving her bedding and seeds up to the wheel (it is above her cage) and then feel asleep in it. The problem is then when she wakes up and wants to exercise the wheel is too heavy and won't work. I cleaned the wheel out and she exercised, but the she was pissed off that the bedding was gone and spent most of today moving stuff again... She is now very aggravated because she was up all day and started biting my daughter. Any suggestions? Thanks




  1. add anther wheel

  2. relocate the wheel and make a bed for her on the upper level or in a different corner of the cage. Your hamster is most likely doing this because she wants an enclosed space to make it her place to sleep and it's probably not provided. Get her a tiny house or object that has a hole for her to enter. She needs something to snuggle into. Put soft cotton or bedding to make it comfy.

    Hope it helps.

  3. Hamsters always sleep in enclosed places since that is where they feel safe and secure (somewhat mimicking their habits in the wild where they sleep in their burrowed holes).

    Your hamster is sleeping in the wheel since she finds that the most enclosed space in the whole cage. Have you provided your hamster with an appropriate enclosed place like a small house (that comes with hamster cages)? Something like this would be ideal for your hamster's house -

    You can even make one at home using an empty tissue box or carton. Remove the plastic sheet from the opening on the tissue box, make the opening wider to resemble a entrance and put in the cage side-wise.

    Now that the hamster house is ready, how to make your hamster shift from her wheel area to the new house? When she moves her bedding and readies her sleeping area in the wheel, remove it completely from there and shift it into the new house. You will have to do this a few days repeatedly until your hamster starts associating her bedding with the new hamster house. Soon you will find her comfortably esconced in the new house. She might be a bit agitated for the few days during the adjustment phase but she would get over it once she gets used to her new house.

  4. put a little shelter in the enclosure and she'll sleep in there for sure

  5. If the cage is big enough, you could get a seperate, stand-alone wheel for her to exercise in. There's nothing wrong with her sleeping there and she's not biting in reaction to you doing wrong, but because she's tired, so let her have a stand alone wheel- easy to find- and let her keep putting her bedding into the enclosed wheel.

    Alternatively, if you don't have a seperate house/shelter/igloo for her, get her one of those to put her bedding in- clearly, she likes enclosed spaces.

  6. I had a male hamster that did the same exact thing. He became extremely aggressive too. You have to somehow get him out of that wheel and used to sleeping elsewhere. I got rid of the cage I had that had an enclosed wheel and bought a new cage. My hamster who never exercised, or let you bother him had a 360 degree change in personality. Once in the new cage he began to run in the open wheel and slept in a hut. He lived to be three and a half years old. Hope this helps!

  7. get an extra wheel. or let her run around in a ball.

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