
I need hawaiian luau foods?

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okay i have a project do tomorrow where i have to present foods from the Hawaiian culture. i live in Hawaii and am Hawaiian, but my family is not very traditional and therefore i only have the basic popular foods like tako, lo mi salmon,poki, kalua pig,etc. i need a bunch so i can present. help




  1. I have more at home. I will edit later with more.  

    Here you go:

    Kalua Pork

    5-8lbpork butt

    6THawaiian salt or kosher salt

    10Tliquid smoke

    6eaTi leaves/ or banana leaves


    Preheat oven to 400F.

    Slit pork in several places, rub salt and liquid smoke into pork. Sear pork on all sides. Wrap pork with ti leaves, then in the foil, place on a small rack in a baking pan,

    Bake at 400F for 1 hour, then reduce heat to 350F and continue to bake for 3 hours. Add sweet potatoes or yams the last 1/2 hrs to the pan. Shred pork and add juices from the pan to the pork.


    Lomi Lomi Salmon

    1/2lbsalted salmon

    5lgtomatoes, diced

    10stalkgreen onions, chopped

    1medonion, finely chopped

    1ccrushed ice

    Soak salmon in water for 3 hours. Remove skin and bones; shred. Combine salmon, tomatoes and onions; lomi or knead until well mixed. Chill thoroughly. Add ice before serving. Makes 6 servings.  


    Hawaiian Macaroni Salad

    Large Macaroni

    1/4cgrated carrots

    1cBest Foods or Hellman's mayonnaise (a must)


    salt & pepper

    Cook macaroni till tender. Add grated carrots, mayonnaise, and milk till well coated. Salt & Pepper to taste.


    Chicken Long Rice

    2 1/2lbchicken thighs



    1 1/2Tminced ginger root

    1lgonion, finely chopped

    5chicken bouillon cubes

    8ozlong rice

    3stlkgreen onions, chopped

    Put chicken into a five quart saucepan. Add two quarts of the water, the salt and ginger. Bring to a boil, skim, lower heat, and simmer for forty minutes. Remove from heat and drain, saving broth. Remove meat from chicken, discarding bones. Shred meat and set aside. Put broth, onion, bouillon cubes and the remaining one quart water into saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add long rice, then lower heat and cook, covered for 5 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand about 30 minutes. With kitchen shears, cut long rice into approximately 3- or 4- inch lengths. Stir in chicken and heat briefly, if desired, before serving. Sprinkle with green onions. Makes 6 to 8 servings.


    Huli Huli Chicken

    3fryers, split or quartered



    1/2cchicken broth

    1/3cwhite wine

    1/4cfrozen pineapple juice concentrate.

    pinch of fresh or dried ginger.

    drop or two of worcestershire sauce.

    Mix ingredients in bowl, brush over washed chicken splits. Grill over barbecue, turning and basting with sauce until it is done (about 40 minutes). For a real hawaiian picnic lunch, eat with sticky rice, macaroni salad.




    12eati leaves

    1 1/4lbpork

    3/4lbsalted butterfish

    1THawaiian salt

    Wash luau and ti leaves; remove stem and fibrous part of the veins. Cut pork and fish into 6 pieces. Place pork in bowl, add salt, and work in thoroughly. Arrange 5 or more luau leaves on the palm of the hand. Place one piece of pork and one piece of of fish on leaves and fold to form a bundle. Place laulau on the end of a ti leaf and wrap tightly. Wrap anohter ti leaf around in the opposite direction forming a flat package. Tie securly with string. Make the remaining laulaus. Steam 4-6 hours or steam in a pressure cooker for 1 hour. Makes six servings.

  2. just add spam to any meal and you can call it Hawaiian!!

    You're a moron if you think that because a culture predominatnly eats a certain food, that a person is racist for saying so!!! Have you been to Hawaii?? Guess not!!! The majority of Hawaiians will admit that spam is a staple food!!! Go watch 50 first dates and educate yourself there peanutbutter cup!!

  3. try this one

    Loco Moco

    Loco Moco is a popular and hearty Hawaiian breakfast dish that some say was invented in 1940's in Hilo Town on the Big Island of Hawaii. A Loco Moco is white rice, topped with a hamburger patty, topped with a fried egg, and smothered with gravy.


    2 scoups of white rice

    1 cooked hamburger patty

    One fried egg

    1/2 cup brown gravy


    Put 2 scoups of rice in a shallow bowl or on a deep plate. top with a hot grilled hamburger patty, top the meat with a fried egg (usually cooked sunny side up) and top with gravy. Typically served with the ever popular macaroni salad.

    Haupia Coconut Pudding

    Haupia is a simple Hawaiian coconut pudding made with coconut milk, a sweetener, and a thickener. Some versions also include evaporated or condensed milk, and some recipes include instructions for making your own coconut milk. This version uses frozen coconut milk.


    1 3/4 cups of frozen coconut milk

    5 tablespoons of sugar

    5 tablespoons of cornstarch

    3/4 cup of water


    Warm coconut milk enough to thaw it. Mix sugar and cornstarch, and stir in water. Stir that mixture into the thawed coconut milk, and cook over low heat until it thickens. Pour into an 8 inch square pan and cook until firm. Cut into six squares to serve.

    Chicken Luau Recipe

    This modern version of a Hawaiian recipe combines boneless chicken pieces with spinach and coconut milk and seasons it with chicken stock and garlic.

    Ingredients for Chicken Luau:

    2 pounds chicken b*****s

    2 tablespoons macadamia, sesame, or peanut oil

    2 teaspoons minced garlic

    4 cups chicken stock

    3 boxes of frozen whole leaf spinach, thawed

    1 1/2 cups coconut milk

    Instructions for Chicken Luau:

    Remove bones and skin from chicken b*****s and cut meat into 1 inch cubes. Heat oil and saute chicken and garlic until lightly browned. Pour chicken stock over the browned meat and garlic, cover, and simmer 10 minutes or until chicken is tender. Drain thawed spinach and pour spinach and coconut milk over the chicken. simmer five minutes. Serves approximately 8 people.

    A more traditional recipe for this dish would use taro leaves instead of spinach.

    Hawaiian Curry Stew

    Curry stew is a staple at Hawaiian plate lunch cafes. It typically includes beef, potatoes, carrots, and onions, and it is served over steamed white rice.


    2-2.5 pounds of beef stew meat

    2 Potatoes, cubed

    1 Onion, quartered

    2 Carrots, sliced

    3 stalks of Celery, chopped

    4 tablespoons of Curry powder

    4 Cups of Water

    2 cubes of Beef bouillon

    2-3 teaspoons of salt

    1/4 cup of flour

    1/4 cup of very cold water


    Brown meat on all sides, cover with water, add bouillon cubes, and cook covered for 1.5 hours. Add vegetables and cook until potatos and carrots are tender. Cook curry powder in a bit of sesame or peanut oil (to get rid of the raw taste). and add it to the mixture. After the stew is cooked, mix flour and cold water well, using a wire wisk to remove all the lumps, and stir it into the stew. Cook, stirring constantly, until the stew thickens. Serve over steamed rice.


    Mix all ingredients except flower and water paste in a large crockpot and mix well. Cook on high 4-6 ours or on low for 8-10 hours. After stew is cooked, mix flour and water paste as directed above, mix into stew, and cook on high heat, stirring constantly, for 5 or 10 minutes, or until thickened.

    Hawaiian Poke Recipe

    A raw seafood salad that is made with soy sauce, onions, red pepper, sesame seeds, and chopped macadamia nuts. It is often made with raw Ahi (tuna) but it can also be made with octopus, crab, and other raw seafood.



    2 pounds fresh tuna (Ahi) steaks, cubed

    1 cup of soy sauce

    3/4 cup of chopped green onions

    2 tablespoons of sesame oil

    1 tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds

    1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper

    2 tablespoons of finely chopped macadamia nuts


    I a medium size ceramic bowl, combine Ahi, onions, sesame oil, sesame seeds, chili pepper, and macadamia nuts, and mis well. Chill at least 2 hours before serving.

    there's a lot in here that you can pick


  4. Here's a list of recipes from someone at the University of Hawaii.  I don't know how authentic they are, but it's a start...

    Also try:

    There used to be a pretty good food/recipe webstie at the Maui Community College website, but it may have moved and I haven't really looked for it.

  5. Don't forget the poi

  6. you can sue and/or arrest someone because of something they said on yahoo answers?!  haha.  that is one of the dumbest things I've heard all week!

  7. coconuts and piglet.

  8. You forgot the 2 most popular foods from Hawaii: Saimin & Spam

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