
I need help, Dr's and RN's (girls too)????

by  |  earlier

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Ok i had my tubes tied in 2004 whn I was 22 after my kid wass born, ok after that my periods and menstration worsend...I am 26 now i have late periods and mood swings like no tommorow, i keep getting a sharp pain in my left side where youd think your ovary would be or felop tube..Can it be dameged? or something? my period is late now and i am super stressed but I wanna know if that sharp pain can be due to the filshie clips I have?? Im so worried. I also get those pains after and during s*x...I need help!




  1. If your having late periods and terrible pain in the area of where you were tied then yes I would head to the Doctor's as soon as possible. Your tubes could be coming untied and that's what's giving you the pain or it could be something totally different. I'd go have it looked at if it's bothering you that much.

  2. Maybe its PCOS, I would see with my doctor.  I have PCOS and it sounds like some of the symptoms that I have.

  3. It could be an ovarian cyst.  You need to make an appointment with your OBGYN right away.  It may be completely benign (though the pain is an issue, obviously) or it could be a complication from your procedure.  You need to go to your regular doctor where they have your medical information so they can best diagnose and treat you.

  4. Go to the doctors.  Don't expect any answers from doctors or RN's on answer?  Do you really think they have time to be on here?

  5. It maybe a cyst or inflammation. you should visit your GYN. A sono maybe in order.

  6. No personal offense, but if I were that worried, I would already be at my gyn. or at least have an appointment set up. I don't know what else to tell you.

  7. You need to go to the doctor. If you struggle to tell him what's wrong, try write it down before hand so you don't need to think about what to say. You could read the symptoms to him or give him the list. Nobody will think you are making it up. You need to tell the doctor everything so that they can treat you properly. Don't be embarrassed either, doctors have seen lots of disguising things.

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