
I need help, My conception date and due date don't match!?

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K here it goes. Situation: I had s*x on May 11th then started my period on may 23rd but it was really light, like almost not even there, I am on a 28 day cycle. Then I had s*x with my ex on june 13th. I just found out I am 14 weeks pregnant, and my due date is Feb. 17, 2009. So what month would I have got pregnant in May or June? Oh yea I forgot to say I had no period at all in june. I am just really confused and need some advice. Both guys know the situation to.




  1. go by the first day of your last period and wait till you have an ultrasound to get better idea of dates

  2. Always remember that your due date is not calculated by conception, but by the first day of your last period.  With my pregnancy, I knew that conception was June 8th but could not remember my period.  The doctor went back about 2 weeks to May 23 and calculated my due date from there.  So technically I am 15 weeks pregnant but only 13 weeks from conception.  Keep that in mind, even though it does make it more confusing.  I would imagine though that measurements and such are more accurate... but what do I know :)

  3. If you are due 17 Feb 2009 your conception would have occurred at the end of May 2008.

    From what you have said above, the doctor doesn't appear to have used your period dates to "date" your pregnancy, since it doesn't make sense.

    Did they perhaps date your pregnancy using ultrasound?

  4. The exact timing will be determined by when the baby is born, and can be 2 weeks off, but if you want to consider when you got pregnant, you will have to look back from the birth date, and figure 9 months, plus or minus 2 weeks.  Will you  be sharing your breastmilk with those who need it, like me?  

  5. i DEFINITELY conceived 5/11 and my due date is 2/2 according to my dates and my ultrasound. Most likely you got pregnant in June.  

  6. Most likey the contraception occurred in May as your doctor has used this contraception date to gauge how far along you are

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