
I need help, and quick!?

by  |  earlier

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Do you guys belive in ghosts? because some peaple belive in ghosts, and I don't know what to belive. I checked out some photos, and I saw pics of ghosts with peeps, and some peeps say that in the bible it says that ghosts are not real. do you guys belive in them? Or not? and i need advice too....





  1. Ghost's are not real, however spirits are real, very real. They can't harm you, But they are here at all times. I have had experiences with them as well, that is why I know. I have a few stories to tell about that, but believe me they are here.

  2. i had seen several ghost before, however, i dont believe in ghost exist. inmy personal opinion these are bad spirits

  3. Jessica~

    As a spirit communicator and healer, I can honestly tell you that 9.9 times out of ten you have nothing to fear. Ghosts do exist and spirits as well. There is a difference. Ghosts have stayed earth bound, meaning they have not crossed over, and spirits have crossed. Do not let Hollywood make up your beliefs...Let an experience......Most people fear the paranormal because it is the "unknown" or "unseen" , but I say, they don't have their eyes open wide enough. As far as the bible goes, you determine based on your gut feeling and what your heart tells you on what is fact or fiction that comes out of the bible..I guess my main point is, Research, experience and decide for yourself...

  4. If you believe in god i think you must also believe in spirits.  The bible said that faith is to belive in something you can see. Just because you cnat see them dosnt mean there no their and if you can like me then thiers not dout in your mind. But there everywere. If you want to believe then do.

  5. NO

  6. Your going to get all kinds of answers with that question.  Just start another one asking help or advice for the problem you're facing.

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