
I need help, how can I jump higher to spike a volley ball?

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I'm 5' 10", 185 lbs.




  1. please do 1 thing u start jumping from terris of 15 floor i am sure then u can do what ever u want

  2. the only way to improve your jump is jumping (really) and doing a lot of sit-ups. This is the same for basketball and is what even the NBA players do.

  3. take a bigger approach! the bigger ur first step and the quicker ur last two steps the higher i jump and use ur arms to help lift u in the air and also some weight lifting would help too!

  4. u are tall!! im 5'6" and i jump like a basketball player!!.. u know what helped me .was playin on the sand. also buy those little weight bags and tie them around ur shoe for a couples  weeks or 2 months n u will see the difference . also u have to have strenght in ur legs. so work out on that too. good luck!!

  5. work on ur abs tight abs help u jump higher. Also you should probably jump rope and i mean like a lot it really helps build your muscles in your legs. I am on 2 different teams each year and every practice we always jump rope then i come home and jump rope even more and do sit ups and abs work helps.

  6. Face a wall and in your mind put a spot on the wall that is fairly high that you can reach, but have to really try to get....start with 5 min and jump as many times as you can and touch the same area for the whole time. Then take a 30 sec break, and then go at it again for 4 min....keep doing this until you are down to 1 min. I'm 5'1 and this really help me to get a higher vertical. Good luck!

  7. have you tried lifting weights. squats and calve raises will help your jump. jump squats with a  lighter weight will help you also.

  8. The stomache exercises (sit ups) in the earlier suggestion are a really under valued exercise.  Also try plyometrics.

  9. With ur legs.

    Use ur force against the Gforce.

  10. air alert program

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